I just bought a used 2007 equipped with the smart key system (SKS). I only have one keyfob, a silver-logo SKS type. I'd like to get a second keyfob as a spare, and it seems like the non-SKS versions are much less expensive. So my question is, will a non-SKS keyfob work? Obviously not the SKS functions, but will the keyfob remote lock/unlock buttons work, and starting the car with the keyfob placed in the slot? If so, does it matter if I buy a new factory fresh keyfob or a used one? I understand an already cut key would have to be replaced if I wanted one. Can I register the keyfob to the car myself or do I need a dealer to do it? I've read a couple of the registration "dance" procedures and get the impression people have had mixed results. Any advice? Thanks!
As to the compatibility of the non-sks keyfob to the sks system, I cannot say. But I do know that the used/new aspect doesn't matter. The reason is that each fob has a radio "fingerprint" and the car's computer is programmed to accept commands from that fingerprint. Many think it's the other way around, that the fob is "programmed" to work with the car, but it's not. I do remember reading a thread on here about compatibility between non sks fob and such a while back, did you search? Try these threads to get you started: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=33875&hl= http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=27067&hl=