Hard for me to say, not being an experienced drinker, but a G&T would be my wife's choice. A mimosa sounds more civilised - is pineapple juice an option? Pull no punches or save it for another round?
Pull no punches (there's been too much "saving for another round" lately) The British pound or the Euro?
I'd rather take the stairs than a crowded elevator if it's only a flight or two. One thing I do not ever want to do again unless it is an emergency, is walk down 21 flight of stairs as I had to do during a fire drill one time. That was not fun. The Next Poster or Question Everything?
Question everything. Nothing is certain, even things that have already happened. Free words or three words?
Wow. Didn't mean to kill this poor thread! Ok, I'll offer another choice: dirt poor or stinking rich?
As much as I'd like to forget certain things I think it's generally better to remember. To generously paraphrase - "Those who don't learn from the past..." and all that. Flickr (www.flickr.com) or Ofoto (www.ofoto.com) ?