Hello Everyone. I'm a new owner and would like to say Hello. 2008-package #2, Spectra Blue (love it so far) I have a question. I travel a lot with my dog and I wanted to know does any one have a way that I can leave the accessories on so the A/C will run and then lock the door, this way I can keep the dog cool/warm and go into the store (short time of course). I tried it tonight with the A/C on but could not lock the door from the outside. I have the key-less entry. Thanks for any help.
The car has to be in READY mode for the A/C to run...the fan will run on IG ON without the A/C. No fan or AC in Accessory mode. You can exit the car in READY mode and lock it with the mechanical key.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Oct 11 2007, 12:01 AM) [snapback]524004[/snapback]</div> Sounds good I will try it, Thanks.
Can't you just leave the car on and get out and push the lock button on the inside of the door panel and then close the drivers door?
I traveled with my dog this summer through some fairly hot territory. It was a real problem when I had to leave him in the car while I went into a restaurant for a half hour or so. The solution was to leave the air conditioning running. The ICE cycled on for a minute or so every 5-10 minutes, and the fuel consumption was minimal, maybe several tenths of a MPG over half a tank. Be sure to set the parking brake and push the Park button. I also set the MFD to Screen OFF. The car complains (3 beeps) when I get out with it still in Ready mode, and I lock the door with a mechanical key. It doesn't work to lock the door and then close it - it will automatically unlock. Once I neglected to press Park, and the beeper just went into solid beep mode. I recommend that you leave a sign on the dash that says something like "Air Conditioning is ON - Dog OK". Otherwise somebody could think you were cooking the dog in a closed car. They, or the police, might even break a window to save the dog if you're not clear that everything is ok. Another thought is to keep a mechanical key on your keychain. Just a $2 copy of the miniature inside the keyfob. Any locksmith or hardware store can make one. The key blank is a standard Toyota unit without a transponder (mine is an Axxess #35).
Cool sugestion RobH! (Pardon the pun) If someone is brave enough to break into the car in spite of the dog and steals the car you may have some explaining to do to your insurance company. I'd try to find a seat where I can watch the car or fit a club steering wheel lock.
" It doesn't work to lock the door and then close it - it will automatically unlock. " Stupid car!.............. :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Oct 11 2007, 12:01 AM) [snapback]524004[/snapback]</div> Or, with the driver's window open, close the door, reach inside to press the lock button, then hit the button to close the window. You'll still need the mechanical key to unlock it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Oct 11 2007, 12:29 AM) [snapback]524074[/snapback]</div> I like the idea of a steering wheel lock. The security system doesn't work when the car is in Ready mode. If you leave the window open a bit, then it is too easy to reach in and unlock the door. The ignition is already ON... Maybe something like a gearshift lockout that would make the car undriveable even when in Ready mode.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Oct 11 2007, 02:20 PM) [snapback]524178[/snapback]</div> You sound like me! I go out to the car 3 to 4 times during a 45 minute food break to check. It's a lot more work but you can only eat so much drive thru on a long drive. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RobH @ Oct 11 2007, 03:16 AM) [snapback]524071[/snapback]</div> Great feed back, Thanks. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Oct 11 2007, 03:29 AM) [snapback]524074[/snapback]</div> I always wait for the window seat.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Oct 11 2007, 02:20 PM) [snapback]524178[/snapback]</div> I habitually leave the car running with either my dog and/or birds in it -- to run the AC or heat as necessary. I am out of the car only long enough to run in to use the restroom and grab a cup of coffee. Stopping on long drives is necessary (I drive my birds to a specialist 150 miles from where I live; also sometimes take the dogs to the vet college or a specialist). So stopping is necessary, but I keep it to a bare minimum.
I think leaving a dog in a car while you eat is not wise. I have left my dog for brief periods in the car, but with all of the windows down and parked in the shade. I doubt anyone is going to reach into my car to steal anything with a large, black dog in the car. And he'll bark. He is in his harness and seatbelted in so I'm not afraid of him jumping out. And this is for only short periods of time, usually with me in sight. Like waking from the car to put a book in the library book drop and walking back. If you ever consider locking your dog in your car with the A/C running you better put a sign in the window telling people the A/C is on. Otherwise you're going to come back one day to a smashed window from someone rescueing your dog from a hot car.
A few people have replied about the breaking of the window concern but would anyone of us here in this forum break a window to rescue a dog that is not panting and does not look under stress? At some point these do-gooders would need to think this out, Right? Also If you are looking from a window at your pet and the car, you would know when to go out and tell the angry mob with bricks ready to save the dog what is really going on.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cyberbro @ Oct 11 2007, 07:00 PM) [snapback]524359[/snapback]</div> The Prius is a special case that most people don't understand. The electric air conditioning can be running even though the engine is stopped. Very few people understand that. So even if you put a sign in the window saying that the air conditioning is running, someone may think that the engine died and therefore the air conditioning couldn't possibly be running. I'm not sure that a sign is enough to persuade everyone. Maybe a big thermometer would help convince them. I don't want to worry people who are trying to do the right thing. And I really don't want them breaking a window in my car when it's only a misunderstanding. I agree that parking in the shade, sitting with a view of the car, and going out to check the car every 10-15 minutes are good things to do. But sometimes you can't do any of those things. There are aftermarket security systems that can display the temperature inside your car on the remote control. It would certainly make me a lot more comfortable if I had an actual indication that the air conditioning was working while I was inside a restaurant.
It is safer on a journey to have a break from time to time with the dog in the car than to have an accident because you have been eating badly and not getting out often enough. I prefer the idea of securing the dog in a shady spot but if that can't be do the above proposal is better than leaving the dog uncared for at home. My dog ate my door trim once when I left him in my Toyota Crown for 15 minutes. A kid was teasing him, although I could see into the car I could not see the kid.