In my area, I know of the county recycling centers that take used oil, but they don't take oil filters... I have a collection of oil filters that I don't know what to do with (and since I'm a cheapo, I'd rather not pay one of those crappy oil-change places to take it) Anyone know any places that takes used oil filters for free (in northern va?)
Suggest you call the Public Works department of your municipality---or whatever trash-hauling company has your municipality's contract (e.g., Waste Management).
Too bad you didn't think about it a couple of weeks ago. You could have brought them down here. Chesterfield County's Waste and Resource Recovery service accepts them along with used oil. I'm surprised Fairfax doesn't. Headed this way again any time soon?
what about asking at the place which takes the oil? Seems like it would be a common question, they may have the answer? Just a thought.
Take them to Chantilly Va. They will gladly take your used oil and filter at no charge.Its an independent lexus and toyota repair shop called CHantilly Lexus and Toyota Repair Center. 14049 willard road, Chantilly VA 703-814-7777