I know or I think I've seen info on how to by-pass speed sensor on Nav System on a "07 . I'd be a great co-pilot if I could access nav while my wife drives
If you have basic soldering skills, you can disable the speed sensor very easily. I used the info at the following link as a guide: http://www.evnut.com/prius_speed_wire.htm Scroll to the very bottom of the page where it shows a picture of the wiring harness behind the AC vent that is just to the right of the LCD display. Simply cut the speed sensor wire and attach a cheap switch from RadioShack. I spliced into both the Bluetooth speed sensor and the NAV speed sensor, then drilled 2 holes in the left side wall of the upper glove box and mounted the switches there. Now I have a clean and convenient way to toggle the speed sensors on and off on the fly. Whole thing took maybe 30 minutes.