Open Two Priuses with one Fob?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by GFarnsworth, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. GFarnsworth

    GFarnsworth New Member

    Jan 17, 2004
    After my wife bought a white 2004 in December I liked it so much that I ordered one for me. Just picked it up (Tideland). Now we each carry around two identical key fobs.

    It should be possible to program the cars to both open with the same fob but my dealer seems to have no clue about how.

    Any suggestions?
  2. stuhillman2004

    stuhillman2004 New Member

    Feb 8, 2004
    Limousin France
    2007 Prius
    Well, since the system is specificaly designed not to do that, I guess it would be a tough overide.
  3. Fredo

    Fredo Junior Member

    Jan 29, 2004
    I think this may be possible. As I understand it, the proceedure for programming a new fob is really telling the car to recognize the new fob. The folks at http:/ would probably have a difinitive answer for this.

    From what I remember, never ahving to have done it, the reprogramming proceedure involves inserting the old fob, starting and stopping the car a certain number of times, opening and closing the drivers door several times, removing the old fob and inserting the new, more on and off ad open and close, etc. I think the idea was to make it hard to do secretly. Anyway, either someting has to be download to the fob, or uploaded from the fob. My impression was that the ID in the fob was read by the car and remembered.

    At least with the classic Prius, they said up to 4 fobs could be programmed before the oldest fobs were forgotten. If something were to downloaded to the fob, there should be no limit to the number of fobs programmed, as they would all be identical. If the ID from the fob is uploaded, there would be a limit to the number of entries the car could remember. I would expect that all 4 fobs could be remembered by both cars.

    I know Costaletech sells the keys for the classic Prius, and had procedures for programming them. They seem to have a lot of knowledge about how the Prius works, and have a great site for a lot of accessories for the Prius. I think I saw the procedure for programming the '04 fobs on one the the Prius forums, probably this one somewhere.

    You could try programming one key to the other car, and see how it works. If it doesn't work, you should then be able to reprogram it back to the original car using the second fob from the original car.

    I hope this helps. I hadn't heard of anyone else that has 2 '04s to work with like this.
  4. aaron-aggie

    aaron-aggie New Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    I belive the 04 uses a diffrent method requiring the dealers handheld tester.