<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MegansPrius @ Oct 4 2007, 09:15 AM) [snapback]521212[/snapback]</div> LOL LOL I laughed so loudly at that my son came in asking what was going on in here... My first thought about the blind and the noise (or lack of) in a Prius is that the blind should only be crossing the street at crosswalks (like the rest of us) when the light is with the pedestrian. Many lights in our area make a chirping noise so that you KNOW when its ok to cross. Seeing eye dogs should also be protecting their masters by only crossing when it is safe. As long as the Prius driver is following the rules of the road, and the pedestrian is crossing when they are supposed to, and where they are supposed to, there shouldn't really be an issue.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mcbrunnhilde @ Oct 4 2007, 10:37 AM) [snapback]521264[/snapback]</div> Bingo, we have a winner! Yes, that's exactly what happens. Would you trust your ATM card with a cab driver? This is much more convenient for the blind person than getting out of the car and finding the walk-up ATM. Before someone asks how a blind person uses an ATM screen, most ATMs have a "limited vision mode" that offers a simplified interface. Newer ATMs will talk, too. Watch for my next message, where I explain why we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway.... :huh:
QUOTE: "Supporters have also said the technology necessary to make hybrids a little bit noisier would not add too much to the cost of the car." They want us to PAY to make our car louder? Hell NO! I feel I'm fighting air and noise pollution. Couldn't we all just crank our radio like my neighbor?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusOwner004 @ Oct 4 2007, 09:09 AM) [snapback]521051[/snapback]</div> If we get forced to make noise Spokey Dokeys would actually not be a bad idea thinking about it, if you got the weight right they would only make noise at low speed, at higher speeds they would be held against the edge of the wheel.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Oct 4 2007, 07:10 PM) [snapback]521428[/snapback]</div> I'm glad you and Rob (msg on previous page) enjoyed it. And Rob, I don't think Wayne likes intalling the Dalek mod, as they come with the engine block melter and the install can get messy. But on-topic, I think the National Federation of the Blind is really sort of bartering with this issue. That is to say, they want to ensure that the quiet cars of future years don't result in legislation that again removes their right to walk around on their own, a right they did lack in the past. They're basically getting ahead of the curve, sort of staking out territory and creating a history of raising this issue. It may seem absurd and a little silly to us, but it is a genuine concern to them. It's a lot easier to walk down to the store and get groceries if you can do it when you want rather than have to wait on a clear spot in someone's schedule. Thus, they're raising an issue that won't be a major concern for another 10-15 years, by which point hopefully hybrids and Evs will have much greater market share. If you imagine there being (at low speed) quiet SUVs, it starts to be a safety issue to more than just the blind. And even a regular intersection without hybrids is an issue to them. A few weeks ago Megan and I were at dinner next to a blind man, who was talking about his decision not to walk down to the Cubs game that afternoon. He would have liked too--he liked standing outside of the park listening to the game. But his wife was out of town, and he counted that there were 11 intersections he would have to navigate, and didn't feel comfortable doing it on his own. So, yeah, it seems goofy to those of us with sight. And noisier doesn't seem necessarily like a good solution, especially if you live in a plenty noisy city like we do. But as this issue gets raised periodically, which I'm sure the National Federation for the Blind will continue to do, I imagine even someone will come up with a simple and sensible solution.
The outdoor speaker needs to be rigged to only play when the car is in all electric. Anyone know how to easily do that? I'd hate to always have to push a button, and what's the point to playing an MP3 loop 100% of the time the car is on? Would be simpler though. I really loved the DALEK EXTERMINATE theme. I'm going to make an MP3 snippet for my BlackBerry to play.
I would hate to see legislation that would require a noise maker to be added to a car. There is enough noise in this world already. The solution I prefer is an all electronic one. Have a transmitter on all cars that sends a signal to a receiver that a blind person is caring that produces a sound volume in direct proportion to how close the car is to the person. That way no one else has to put up with the sound except the person that actually needs it. I would not even mind if the blind persons unit had a transmitter signal that the car can pick up to create a sound for the driver to let them know that a blind person is nearby, or at least some one caring the device. It could be used for children too. It could be made real cheap since they would all be using just one frequency.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Oct 4 2007, 05:10 PM) [snapback]521428[/snapback]</div> Are you saying that blind people should not be allowed to cross at intersections where there is no light? It is legal for a pedestrian to cross at any intersection, unless marked "No crossing." The intersection need not have a light or even a stop sign. Drivers are required to stop whenever there is a pedestrian in the street, but a wise pedestrian will look (or listen) for cars. This can be a problem for blind people as many cars are relatively quiet nowadays, not just the Prius and the Xebra. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mark Derail @ Oct 5 2007, 09:38 AM) [snapback]521814[/snapback]</div> The CAN bus provides information telling whether the car is in ICE ON, "stealth," or EV mode. You'd have to plug into the CAN bus to read that information, and use a logic circuit to control your player.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(snakeman @ Oct 4 2007, 08:03 PM) [snapback]521424[/snapback]</div> It's weird. Here in FL, the air conditioner is running all the time, and it makes a pretty audible whine, like a jet engine. I don't know how somebody cannot hear that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(snakeman @ Oct 4 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]521424[/snapback]</div> um, so the issue sounds like blind people crossing streets where there aren't any traffic signals or things that would stop traffic and beep to let them know that the cross-traffic's light is red, eh? harder nut to crack, but i think a lot of folks would let go of the trees they're hugging if we deliberately made our cars noisier all the time they're running down the street. maybe a dash-mounted button for the driver to signal to the blind people to "don't cross now..."? well, that's rude, too! maybe if the driver stopped.... well, that won't work because the pedestrian REALLY WON'T hear anything then!!!! hmmmmmm.... but the part that bugs me, as a driver of a Prius, is how to back out safely from a parking lot space when you can't see a durned thing on either side because of the behemoth truck, van, suv or whatevers that are parked on both sides!!!! i'm planning to add a beeper and flashing white lights to the bumper that only operate in reverse. drivers and pedestrians would have a better chance of knowing my intentions of backing out, and i'd feel lots safer. i'll let you know how it goes.... oh, and i added side-marker directionals to my '04..... are you listening, toyota? see my site at http://www.plusaf.com/prius/prius.htm and in living YouTube, too! +af
Perhaps the solution would be to have blind persons wear hats with strobe lights so they are more readily visible. Then we can just blow our horns for them! Mike (Many years ago, this was tried in Britain for policeman on traffic duty. The problem was traffic came to a halt because drivers were too busy laughing to drive. Try to imagine a bobby's helmet with a flashing light and you'll see what I mean).
The first time I heard about this issue on my local TV news I couldn't believe it. While the Prius is quiet in electric mode, it certainly is not dead silent. Funny you don't hear anything about the blind complaining about bicyclists or joggers on the road.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(plusaf @ Oct 8 2007, 11:44 PM) [snapback]522999[/snapback]</div> In that situation I rely greatly on the back-up camera. It has really wide vision (seems like 180 degrees but probably not). Just back up real slowly while looking at the camera (if you have one). By the time you are out enough to see both directions, it should be enough for anybody coming to see you too.
The problem isn't just Prii and blind people. I have driven through parking lots in the electric mode and people have walked right in front of me not realizing I was there because the car is so quiet and also, because they weren't aware of their surroundings or paying attention. And they weren't listening to iPods or talking on their cell phones! I have experienced the same problem riding my bike - because a bike is so quiet people don't know I am there. I usually announce myself by saying "Passing on your left" three times, each time successively louder. Even then some people are startled by my passing. In the Prius when this happens I hate to sound my horn, but it would be nice if we had something less obnoxious, akin to a bicycle bell, that lets people know we are there without alarming them. Maybe a little button on the stearing wheel that under the left thumb that makes a little ringing noise.