I don't think US tests have been done, but are there Japanese or European crash test results available somewhere?
I haven't seen or heard of any, but I read somewhere that Toyota expects it to receive the highest which I think is a 5 star rating. Here is the page where the info will be, but all it says is TBR. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/NCAP/Cars/2971.html Atoyot
I posted this in the insurance thread awhile back when I was looking into why my insurance appeared to be high. I don't know if they're on schedule or not but my insurance company, Wawanesa said the results would not make any difference to them (go figure): I just got word that NHTSA plan to crash test the 2004 Prius in Feb 2004. After their engineers and Toyota's review the data and determine fairness, it should be made public for use by Insurance companies. Hope that helps.
Anybody have a link to the info suggesting Toyota thinks it's gonna get a 5 star rating? The 2001-2003 Prius got mediocre ratings at only 3 stars for the driver.
In other words, the Prius hasn't been rated. Wonder when they are going to get around to it? I was hoping to get an insurance break because of the side front/rear airbags.
You SHOULD get a discount because of the airbags - just make sure you ask for it. Of course, not all companies count this the same way.
Japanese crash test data are here: http://www.nasva.go.jp/assess/html2001e/as123.html in English, and there is a Quicktime Movie of a test crash. I have no idea how their ratings compare to US, but the vehicle seems to be on a par with Corolla. Others more knowledgable may want to view the link and post discussion.
Well, the NHTSA results should be posted in a few days from what I heard. And the preliminary results I saw for the 2004 Prius show it improved over the 2003 model (sorry, I can't give specifics).
With all due respect, I hope so. The 2003 model didn't appear to do all that well, comparatively: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/NCAP/Cars/2562.html