Sailors name their ships. Not too many pilots name their airplanes, and, it seems, fewer people name their cars. I can't recall any posts on this chatline where someone named their Prius. I've always had names for my cars. Cars are made by people and so exhibit quirks and "personality traits", just as their makers do. It was easy to name my VW Beetles because they were definitely personality cars. I thought of a name for my Prius after reading Car and Driver's January issue, and I'm putting in a request for vanity plates with the name: HUMU-NU This is short for: "humuhumunukunukuapu'aa, the Hawaiian Triggerfish. Car and Driver drivers/reviewers really liked the Prius. They loved the "wedgie body, triggerfish shape" (their words). Rather than try to find some catchy environmentalis/fuel efficiency, seven letter word, I thought I'd be more subtle. Triggerfish live in coral reefs which are very much in danger of extinction and this seemed to be a way of making a connection between what we consume and the effects of that consumption. It's tempting to be smug about buying Prii as if we were on some enlightened plane of existence, but that can alienate the people we'd most like to influence. The car is inherently loveable like the Beetle, and it should speak for itself. Bob
My current car, a 2000 Neon doesn't really have a name. However, when my prius arrives, it will be thusly dubbed "Computer". Yes, my partner is a big Star Trek fan. Now if we can only find a mod to make the nav voice the same as the woman who did the ST voice. -m.
I named my car Dyna. My last car was named Holly Paynyo because it was jalepeno green. The voice of the Star Trek computer (since ST:TNG) is Majel Barrett, widow of Gene Roddenberry. She was Nurse Chapel in the orginal series and then Counselor Deanna Troi's mother, Lwaxanna. It would be cool to see her in commercials for the Prius ...
Bob Allen said Just to get you the full etymology, this is from Etymology: Hawaiian humuhumu-nukunuku--pua'a, trigger fish with a blunt snout like a pig's : humuhumu, small trigger fish (from reduplication of Proto-Polynesian *sumu, trigger fish) + nukunuku, small snout, reduplication of nuku, snout + , like + pua'a, pig so, it looks like you did good by leaving off the "pua'a" part. Just a thought but, you might want to add a triggerfish as your avatar now. (Not that I have an avatar either)
my car is dhalia. i was at work and mentioned trying to think of a name for my prius. a co-worker went to and looked up "red." i was susrprised to see that dhalia came up as a synonym meaning a flower that can be red
> a big Star Trek fan I think I qualify... [Broken External Image]:
Indeed you do, John! I need to find a place to upload the pics I took last weekend of the first Enterprise (the test space shuttle) over at the Dulles Air and Space Museum. -m.
Wow great triggerfish avatar! I hadn't realized how accurate that description was until I saw that nose profile.
"Carmen Electra" is perfect! I've never named a car before. But my '04 Prius is named Quetzalcoatl. I have no idea why.
John1701A wrote Thought maybe you would have moved up to 1071-D for this one. In the same vein though, Galileo may work
We were considering Fanny as when you see it in a line of parked cars, guess what sticks out... Hubby wanted Big Bertha... But maybe not.
Never named a car before. But since you brought it up, I'm choosing between "Delta Flyer" (ST:Voyager) and "Defiant" (STS9). The "Delta Flyer" kinda looks like the Prius, while the "Defiant" has a cloaking device (stealth mode). [Broken External Image]: I also thought of naming it "Hal".
penpendisarapen wrote Thanks. I had originally seen it in an article on autoexpress a few months ago. You can read that here (and see a bigger picture): You may have to join and login to read it. Anyway, I tracked their thumbnail to
Don't have one yet, but it will be named "Cortana" after the AI in Halo. Now if I could just get a Holoprojector on the dash to project her image we would be all set. It would be cool to have her voice too. In the game she would tell the Master Chief that she was putting a NAV marker on his HUD to point him to his next objective. Atoyot Halo - The only reason you need to own an XBOX.
Did you notice that the speedometer display is horizontal and is reflected in a mirror? It's a projector...sorta...kinda.