Is there any site that will tell you the date of manufacture for your car? I just took delivery of my 2005 last Friday, and the dealer told me it arrived in Portland a couple of weeks earlier. However, my VIN number ends with 000835....that sounds like the 835th one made for the model year. Any thoughts on this? Could #835 have been shipped this late?
There should be a sticker on the edge of the Driver Door giving the month of manufacture. I don't know how to get the day
Yes, the plate on the body where the driver's door closes has LOTS of info, including month and year of mfg, not the day though.
I checked the door & it said 10/04. #835 still seems pretty low for having shipped at the end of October. Oh, well, I guess I'll never know Maybe it got pulled from the line and held for quality control or something? Or maybe a Toyota worker got to take it home for a demo before they shipped it here (disconnecting the odometer first, of course). Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist or anything, but it reminds me of the time I bought a brand new 1986 Grand Am. When I left the dealership and started to head home, I noticed the speedometer wasn't working. I turned around & went back to the dealer and they took it right in to service & "fixed" it. To this day I swear they intentionally disconnected it so that they could use it as a demo and still sell it as new. In fact, if I remember correctly, around that time some dealers in my area were accused of doing just that.