Now that we are four years in this current battle in the War On Terror I would like to take an overview on the progress we have made: 1. there is now greater scrutiny on countries trying to enter the nuclear club like Iran. Other countries like Iraq will now no longer worry the free world or threaten us with the potential of entering the club. 2. there has been a significant amount of death and destruction inflicted on senior member of terror organizations like al-Qaeda. I believe it is not as easy to replace hardened and tested people like Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Ramzi Binlshalbh,Abu Yaqub al-Masri, Omar Farouq, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, etc so easily. These people had a decade plus of experience and testing and training - it is never easy to replace people like this - especially without a formal training system such as we enjoy in places like West Point, etc that they do not have. 3. they are losing the battle of public support on their own Arab street. A poll conducted by WorldPublicOpinion.Org in April 2007, large majorities in Egypt (88 percent), Indonesia (65 percent) and Morocco (66 percent) acknowledged that “groups that use violence against civilians, such as al Qaeda, are violating the principles of Islam. Islam opposes the use of such violence. The Pew Global Attitudes polls of the Middle East, showed that popular support for bin Laden himself has nose-dived, and with it approval of suicide bombing. 4. since the onset of hostilities... major european countries like france and germany that were aggressively opposed to our actions have now had significant changes in their governments and in fact now are supporting us. Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder are now in the dustbin of history and the French President just issued a warning on Iran - about the possibility of war should the theocracy continue on its path to nuclear-weapons acquisition - who would have thought it possible? 5. Lebanon is free of Syrian troops (albeit not their influence through Hezbollah) - Libya has given up its WMD's and may indeed be on a pathway towards peace. 6. the bad guys have few sanctuaries available to them to plot and plan to do us harm. 7. technological advances we have been forced to make will continue to improve our security, decrease our loses in combat and provide us with greater and more deadly abilities to reach out and neutralize our enemies. 8. experiences from this conflict will benefit us in future conflicts and our learning curve will serve as an important guidepost for future conflicts. 9. our ability to network with other countries and operate together to battle our common enemy continue to improve. attacks in madrid and london and bali have alerted the free nations of the world that this is a common fight - and that joining resources and forces is the best option. 10. we are steeling ourselves from terror attacks - we have not been attacked since 9/11. new technologies like video surveillance systems in chicago are coming online. agencies like our police through the fbi are now able to communicate better and quicker. we are slow on increasing our defenses in our ports and other avenue of entry but we are getting there. Just a few thoughts this am for discussion if there are any interested. Have a nice day guys.
(aside: I've noticed a tendency of Berman to say something like "have a nice day" at the end of a post for which he expects to be flamed... some might even call it, dare I say, flame-baiting.) 1. Is there? I hadn't noticed. Or are countries like Pakistan and India ok? Personally I think adding ANY country to the list of countries with Nuclear arms is a very bad sign. That list should be getting shorter, not longer. 2. If you could just extend your arm, and from a great distance, put your thumb and forefinger together and say "I squish your head," then maybe this would be a better strategy. As it is, we're providing fodder for their training in Iraq, and although some have died, many more now have 3-4 years of combat experience, which seems like more training than I'd like to hand over. 3. I can't speak to this and neither can you. Quoting opinion polls has hardly ever been proof of anything. Go there. Learn Arabic. Ask around. We'd probably both be surprised by what we learn. 4. Ah... finally we might be regaining some of the international good will that Bush squandered. Maybe some day we'll return to the level of cooperation that we had with other countries. 5. You hedged that one enough, so I don't need to comment 6. Oh really? Where's OBL's sanctuary then? 7. What technology? Actually, to be fair, I'll lump this one with your # 8, and give you the points. In fact, I see this is the #2 reason Bush went to war in the first place: I think people around him decided that our military was atrophying and needed a real war to get the morale/country/economy into the mode that they think is most beneficial to their aims. We now have an active military that's at least trying to flex its muscle over there. Now the real concern to the warlords over here is that the peaceniks will win out and our troops will come home before our warlords' political careers are over... which will of course end their political careers. 9. I'll refer back to #4... we're just starting to move in the right direction, but since Bush effectively severed allegiances globally by declaring himself King Cowboy, there's really nowhere to go from there but up. Bully for us! 10. I see little to back up the claim that we're technologically more ready... it's the low-tech stuff that will sneak through anyway. And I'd also say we have been attacked. We've lost several thousand brave soldiers in attacks. It's like we're just giving them away.
At what expense? 1 the american dollar is worth less than the canadian dollar 2 most of the world hates us 3 we still have a health care crisis 4 most of the orient is more technologically advanced than us 5 the rich are richer, the middle class is getting wiped out 6 illegals are stealing jobs, not to mention the lack of security of them coming in 7 most surveys show most americans dont feel any safer re: terrorist attacks the list goes on, but i need to see if i can find some work since there isnt much out there for me even tho i am college degreed, born and raised 55 yo its getting scary out there...maybe anyone care to continue the list
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Oct 2 2007, 09:01 AM) [snapback]520227[/snapback]</div> I would like to stick to my topic at hand. 1. so what? the DOW is at an all-time high - so what? 2. wrong - at least mexicans love us - joking 3. not really - 4. wrong again - otherwise who is paying the taxes??? state and fed revenue up and up. 5. strawberry or cherry - flavors of koolaid you are drinking - 6. and what else is new 7. surveys surveys surveys - best of luck with the job hunt but please, stick to my topic at hand - none of which you commented on <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Oct 2 2007, 08:57 AM) [snapback]520222[/snapback]</div> hope so
Berman is an Adam Henry like no other...... but I will speak up on some points. 1. Who cares what they WORRY about on a daily basis? I don't. And countries like Iraq were not trying to invade us and use nuclear weapons on us. 2. Good, I can't argue against the deaths of those dirtwads. Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11, let them bear the brunt of our revenge. 3. Who cares, I still don't see them massing daily against the radicals that have taken over their religion. When I see that, I'll believe it. Actually, I'd like us to respond more to the polls that say they want us to go home. (but I do not believe we will be leaving anytime soon) Our Air Force has been active since 91 in Iraq, another 4 more years and that makes twenty years on station in the skies over Iraq. Big deal about polls anyway, juniors poll numbers are nose diving too. 4. Oooooh, I'll bet French sabre rattling really scares them.....Ooooooh...spoooky, sacre-bleu!! Maybe the French will start another Pastry War like they did in Mexico. One of the rare French military victories of history. 5 and 6. blah blah yada shmear 7. I'll agree that many advancements have been made, too bad that some of them will be used against Americans emails and phone calls, no knock warrants and big brother scrutiny from now on. 8. I agree in the sense that our troops are now battle-hardened. 9. Get real, where are the coalition of the willing? What happened there? There are a few dozen troops from other countries, and I think Belgium sent a burgermeister and a BB gun to help us. (tongue in cheek) 10. We could do more to improve the port security...period. But I see it as impossible to inspect everything in the future. What about the girls on PC, why don't you say good morning to them? by the way, where is Pinto girl? good morning out there wherever you are. Maybe she has me on ignore? Berman, go lay down.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Oct 2 2007, 07:19 AM) [snapback]520210[/snapback]</div> Iraq didn't do jack towards this - remember, they had NO WMD's! There's also been a non-trivial amount of death and destruction on the US military and the civilians in the area. At what point does the cost become too great for you? Of course, you're ignoring the experience we've given all those who are still alive and have had a chance to learn from the mistakes of others... Do you have a similar poll for these areas from sometime before the war? find a 2000 poll of egypt with that wording... oh wait, you can't. Iran's a completely separate issue. Remember, before the war the UN (and thus all the countries that comprised it) were against Iraq having WMD's, and they were actually successful, as there were no WMD's in Iraq! This still doesn't change the fact that Bush & co pissed away most of our international goodwill You certainly couched that one well... no more troops, but plenty of influence. the may be on a path towards peace... geez. If there are so few, then why haven't we captured them all? how are they still a threat to us if they're on the run like this with few hiding places? Such as...??? We're fighting against an enemy that has simply guns and explosives - it's not rocket science to fight/defend against that. they haven't presented any real technological challenges. I'll give you this one. Having more practical experience will certainly strengthen our military... what's left of it, that is. It's pretty easy to improve after we knocked it down to its lowest point in history. Heck, we gained our independence by working with the French, we fought in WWI and WWII alongside Europe. But we had to start this war pretty much alone and it took a rather long time to build up support from other countries for it... True, none of our buildings were bombed here, but we've lost more citizens during the war than we did from 9/11. And that doesn't even begin to count the estimated 80,000 civilian deaths caused by the war so far... The other benefits you mention here in #10 aren't due to the war, but rather the response to 9/11, which aren't the same. improvements in homeland security and communication between the FBI, CIA, NSA, local law enforcement, etc are in no way, shape, or form related to the war. As usual, a whole bunch of hot air...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KD6HDX @ Oct 2 2007, 09:42 AM) [snapback]520251[/snapback]</div> After reading your post, it will only be hard getting back up after my nap. I was hoping for some original thoughts, insight - not the Democratic talking points or a replay of the last Obama bin Laden videotape - cant tell the difference between them anyways - heck - both are supported by and get published in the NY Times every time they pass gas <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Oct 2 2007, 10:42 AM) [snapback]520283[/snapback]</div> shush, i am laying down...napping i was hoping for something more original or insightful. thanks for taking a swing at it though.
dbermanmd, Are you trying to suggest the war was justified and/or carried out competently? In both accounts you have been proven wrong.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Oct 2 2007, 08:19 AM) [snapback]520210[/snapback]</div> Answer: There has not been any real progress in this "War on Terror"! All your original talking points are about the Bush's extended military occupation of a foreign country. Have a good one Compfool
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Oct 2 2007, 11:01 AM) [snapback]520295[/snapback]</div> try reading the post again. and please, i am lying down trying to catch up on my sleep. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Compfool @ Oct 2 2007, 11:09 AM) [snapback]520302[/snapback]</div> Well thought out response - thank you for your input.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Oct 2 2007, 11:33 AM) [snapback]520321[/snapback]</div> were you sleeping when you started this post
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Oct 2 2007, 11:51 AM) [snapback]520333[/snapback]</div> Had to be, obviously, in an attempt to keep it simple enough for some people to participate in. Unfortunately, i was not in a deep enough sleep as evidenced by some posts today.
Are you suggesting that your talking points are somehow smarter and more original than ours? Claiming that our responses to your clearly baited line are just not "smart enough" does not make you a good debater. Back up any of your statements with irrefutable facts, or refute any of the responses so far, and maybe we'll have a conversation going.
I don't know why everyone responds to the troll. He loves to put out his own version of history and bait everyone with less than half-truths and general garbage based on the world according to dbermanmd. Maybe if we all stop all the replies he will just go away. As you notice he doesn't even own a Prius.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FBear @ Oct 2 2007, 12:23 PM) [snapback]520386[/snapback]</div> +1. Couldn't have said it better.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FBear @ Oct 2 2007, 01:23 PM) [snapback]520386[/snapback]</div> Occasionally, the guy will actually post lucid thoughts. Whether it's done as a way of prolonging his 'trolling' efforts, I don't know, but I'm not entirely sure his posts are intended as pure trolls in the usual sense of the term and suspect that many of those that reply are simply taking pity on the poor, demented bastard. I think someone once said he's on meds. I really can't think of any other justification for otherwise intelligent people to be replying to what on the surface appear to be obvious trolls.
I'll shed a little light: we're on an online forum trying to kill some time, and talking to Berman is like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. It seems like a relatively easy puzzle, it's moderately entertaining with some satisfying moments of clarity where a solution seems imminent, but ultimately you lose interest and put it down.