Dave, note that at the end, Bartlett decided that he was going to veto that bill that failed to tighten CAFE standards. And in further explanation, Bartlett said that he would veto it knowing full well that the Republican congress had the votes to overide his veto and pass the bill anyway. So he was vetoing the bill simply in an attempt to make a point to the American people. Also, did you notice the sub plots about the vice president probably running for President in the next election and how everyone assumed that with the VP running, the Republicans would surely win the next Presidency? Also, it was mentioned more than once about the Bartlett administration now being in it's 7th year and I heard Josh mention super Tuesday coming up. There was also a comment on how if the Republicans do get the White House the next time around, and seeing as how (on the show) the Republicans have both houses, how awful it would be for all that all that Bartlett accomplished would be overturned in the next administration. So I think it's pretty clear, Bartlett is on his way out and in the next season, and probably even before this season is over, there will be a Republican in the White House on West Wing.
Good observations about the subplots! Maybe they should call you Hawkeye. I wish the new "President" Alda best.
i will admit i probably missed that little part. although i still take offense to the obvious disregard for the environmentally conscious and how that last minute committee was thrown together. and anytime a president vetos a bill that he knows will be defeated is not doing his job. he should be lobbying to get more to understand his point of view. it smacks of him vetoing it to look good.
I really enjoyed hearing President Bartlett talk about the Prius period. The creators of the show certainly did do their homework on the car and the problems getting it. I'm not sure I have heard any dealers charging $10,000 over MSRP as the salesman told Josh at the beginning of the show however. What happens to the car that Josh crushed if this was a real story? The guy hadn't even driven it off the lot yet. Was it his responsibility to get it fixed or the dealers? Who's insurance pays for it? Just curious.
Dont you just hate it when they damage a prius,knowing that good people are willing to wait months and months for a prius, while hollywood gets one and damages it for their stunt...
actually that $10k over is a very believable salesman line that would be used to lessen the impact of THEIR $3500 premium.
To wb9, If this "stunt" helps sell 1000 Prii then it was well worth it. I saw this crash. The damage was unlikely beyond 2 grand and would take a week to fix. Personally, I bought the Prius for two reasons. One, I love it. Two, I want others to love it so we can help save our future. If this crash ends up selling thousands, then I say crash more.
well i TiVo'd the show and even in slow motion, it appears that the Prius suffered no visible damage. so apparently the "wreck" was mostly a Hollywood sleight of hand. i also noticed that the Prius didnt seem to move when it was hit. iow, no body rock or sway. sooo, i think the Prius came out of the incident just fine (in real life of course. according to the show, the vehicle was totaled i believe)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA\";p=\"51582)</div> That was my impression too, Something slides under the Excursion, kinda like there was a small barrier or something hidden from view beside the prius to keep it from actually being hit but to rattle the Excursion and make stuff fly like there was damage.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jkash\";p=\"51528)</div> Believe it or not, this *almost* happened to me, and *did* happen to some poor schmuck whose Prius arrived in Madison at exactly the same time. I'm fuzzy on the details, but apparently, someone unloading/moving another car crashed into a parked, brand-new Prius, which was sitting there waiting for its owner to arrive. To my surprise, the dealer told me this story, probably because it was the same color and package as mine he caught me looking at it. Since the VINs were pre-assigned, I made it through this potential catastrophe butter-side-up. To answer your question, the dealer's insurance was responsible, and I got the impression that their intention was to repair it and resell it (as new, even). The damage appeared entirely superficial, but still... On the plus side, my dealer displayed the appropriate degree of shock and horror that a just god would allow such a thing happen at all. Brad
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco\";p=\"51605)</div> Hmm, I'm going to have to look at it again (in my case its my roomate's Replay-5040, not a Tivo). I had a hard time watching the accident, and flinched quite a bit, but it was a bit fast... My roommate feels that the accident itself was staged poorly, not very realistic. Though he did agree that it had to be staged since it would be a horrid waste of a vehicle /w such a long line. One interesting note: I practically screamed at the TV when Josh got on the phone /w the blogger. "Don't do it, you're about to make that web site's day!" --TSK
i had a hard time watching too... but the replay was irresistable. the SUV definitely hit something as you can seeing the jarring impact the SUV suffers. the Prius being as light as it was, should have been knocked halfway across the street that runs in front of the dealership but it didnt really move. plus, you do get a glance of the impact area and there is no flying parts or anything like that. and as far as damage, i do believe that any accident on the dealership lot is covered by the dealerships insurance since one of the cars is still owned by the dealership (the SUV) so even if the Prius had been bought several months ago and the owner was there visiting, it would still be covered.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(8AA\";p=\"49855)</div> If I'd read this before I went on vacation, I would've replied that the Honda Insight (as nice as it is) doesn't have the hoopla surrounding it--like the Prius. Of course, it did turn out that the West Wing smooshed a Prius. :guns: smart SUVs. Esther