You have no idea how sweet it is for me to finally ask this question. At first (back in 2000), I went months before finally seeing another Prius. (And by amazing cosmic coincidence, the first sighting I ever had was the first Prius I ever drove. The owner bought that demo model from my dealer.) Then it was weeks between each sighting. Then it finally got to the point where there was a good chance I'd spot one each day. Now, it doesn't suprise me anymore to actually see 5. Yes, five. HOORAY! So... how many do you see?
i've seen up to two dozen in one day.. that's all models included. If i had people in the car prius sighting, i would probably see more. That's also on the weekend though. On a normal day just running around town, i at least see 5. I have seen over a dozen on my normal rought though.
I see 5 to 6 every working day. Weekends are usually less but even that is changing week by week. I expect the work day numbers to increase by 2 in the next few weeks as I know of people getting Prii in the next few weeks. There may be others I am unaware of. I and others have started a few others down the path. One of my partners is on the brink I hope to turn her next week! Turning someone from the dark side is fun. :lol:
I am seeing on average about 7-10 a day. The cool part is, there are 2 other '05's in my track that I see every morning when I leave for school. The thing I don't like, is now that they are so common, they don't like to wave back. I get all into it and get my hand out the window and everything, they just look at me like, "do I know him?" :roll:
once a week if I'm lucky But I actually saw 2 on the same stretch of road going the opposite direction within a minute of each other. That was the most so far
There are four in my parking garage at work, plus I see at least five more a day in my 45 minutes on the road.
One. That really surprises me because the state Dept. of Energy guy who issues the $1,500 alternative fueled tax credit checks said that Oregon has more Prii per capita than any other state. OTOH, I only drive about 10 miles per day, but it's through the most populous county.
Only one and it is my own car! It is the only Prius in town. My Toyota dealer told me that there are only 50-70 Prius in Finland. Two of them are Classic Prius.
I haven't tried to count, but... it's difficult to go more than a few blocks in north Seattle without seeing other Prii. On my frequent trips between Seattle and Portland, I often pass (or am passed by) a handful. (Occasionally I even see a 2004-2005 pass me at well above the limit -- guess they're not too concerned about keeping their MPG average up.) And I even see plenty in Beaverton/Tigard, which surprises me a bit given how heavily that area seems to lean to the right.
Wow! I live in a city of about a million people. I see a Prius perhaps once a month. I've had about 6 "in the wild sightings" since we got our car in May. 4 silver, 1 seaside and 1 salsa. That's all. Maybe I live in the wrong part of town....
Here in the Washington, DC area the new 2004s have become increasingly common on the interstates. Driving to work each morning, I generally see about 6-8 Priuses and the same on the way home and that doesn't include many classic models as well. When I've traveled north through Pennsylvania to upstate NY, I have noticed very few. When traveling, I see many more of these cars in cities where traffic is a major issue; everywhere else they are sparse.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rickster\";p=\"51499)</div> One can be environmentally conscious and/or want better mileage or want a geek car AND lean to the right! Besides, isn't there a quantity of high tech businesses in the area? It would be of more interest to that type of person than some of my dad and step-mother's older neighbors in Yamhill that had never been over the bridge to Newberg. I see anywhere from 0 to 4 or 5 (gen 2 & 3) Prii a day
Surprisingly, here on Long Island I have only seen 1 since I got my car six weeks ago. My wofe has spotted two others, including a parent who drops off their child at my daughter's shool, so I know there's at least one more in my neighborhood. And the one I saw? It was from Maine! Geoff
Here in Northwest Indiana I have only noticed ONE and that was after I placed mine on order. My wife was purchased an '05 Camry, the dealership was prepping two Prius' for delivery and I ordered one on the spot (Nov. 11th). The dealer told me 3-4 weeks ... I have a feeling that is being overly optimistic though. Like everybody else, can't wait to pick it up.
There's another physician at my hospital that parks in the doctor's spaces near where I park and I see his almost any day I'm working. There's a lady that works at the Oncology dept. and she parks near where I park as well. There's a third physician at my hospital with one, but I rarely see him as he just rounds and parks in a different lot. Around town I'd say it's rare to spot another Prius (classic or 2G)...probably one every 2 months. FWIW, the waiting list here is still about a year or more, but they only get 1-2 cars per month--we're in the Midwest/SW Missouri.
Commuting from the SW side of Chicago to downtown everyday I have seen 2 since receiving my Prius on October 23, and one of them was today-a silver one from Indiana.
I'm also out on Long Island. I have the sleek Black Prius. I might see ONE (1) Prius a week. Wth? On another note, I love backing out of parking spaces. People always look at me bugeyed and you can see smoke coming out of their ears as they're trying to figure out how it's possible.
Austin probably has the most Prii of any city in Texas. I regularly see a number of parked Prii: there's 2004 Driftwood in my neighboorhood, and then at work I usually see 1 Driftwood, 1 black, 1 Tideland, 1 silver, 1 Salsa plus 2 Driftwood Classics and 1 green Classic parked in the lots around my building. I see another Prii actually in motion on a less regular basis. Maybe 1 or 2 a week, either Classic or 2004/2005.
i see 4-5/, black, blue, tideland, silver and white...4 at hospital parking where my wife works and the rest tooling around in the city...