Looking for a Prius 2004 package 9, or 2005 package 6. Both of those are also listed as the BC package, the one with the DVD navigation system. Colors in descending order of preference: Driftwood Pearl Millennium Silver Tideland Pearl Salsa Red Pearl Seaside Pearl Black Basically we're not interested in white, but will consider any other color. Will pay MSRP cash. We're located in Cambridge, MA, but will consider buying from anywhere as long as the additional transportation cost isn't too high. You can e-mail me at [email protected]. Not interested in other option packages. Definitely not interested in any other new car
Well, no one else has responded in almost a day, so here are my suggestions to look at other threads right here for a broader horizon of possibilities. Just below your thread in Dealers & Pricing is "looking for New 2004 pkg 9 any color - anywhere in US." The dealer mentioned (Riverside Town & Country) gets mostly BC cars. He found me one in 22 days. I flew up and drove it back. The whole story is in the Order Tracking Thread about "Escanaba, MI Aug. 20, 2004." It is possible (not promising) you could be back in New England before it snows! (Offer void in Colorado.)
A couple of suggestions... Rountree Ford in Bellows Falls, VT (SE VT). Last week they only had 4 or 5 on their waiting list. Also Greenfield Toyota in Greenfield, MA (Rte 2 at I-91). I've dealt with both dealers and find them honest, etc. Bought mine from Rountree. Ask for Coach. Good luck. Tom
Got one! Yay! Story on my web site at http://www.pobox.com/~meta/2004/10/07/ for anyone who's interested.
Yay indeed! Congratulations on your new car, and your fine writing. Hmm... Massachusetts resident buys hybrid, moves to Texas... It's amazing you haven't been in a feature article yet. :wink:
I'm just one of the 10,000 economic migrants forced to leave MA each year because of its ludicrous housing costs. There have been feature articles in the Boston Globe about it, in fact--even the hospitals are having trouble recruiting surgeons with six figure incomes because nobody can afford to live here. To give you some idea: a typical small condo here is $350,000+. To get a single family house, you need to be able to drop half a million. On our way to the Prius we passed a house which had recently sold for over a million. It's on the outskirts of Cambridge, three bedrooms, and right next to a big, noisy road. If I had a million bucks, I wouldn't spend it on a place like that. We're tired of riding the bus and living in a 2 bedroom apartment filled with dust bunnies. We'd rather have a four bedroom house in Austin Texas--and a brand new fully loaded Prius! Oh, and you'd probably have a heart attack if I told you how much our motor insurance cost...
I had occasion to spend the night in Quincy this past June. Went for a walk, new condos being built right on the main road - $350K. I wondered what the older small houses across the road cost and where the 'average' people lived. If you want to see dust bunnies, come to our house. They scare our vacuum cleaner ;-) Don't know why you think they only inhabit apartments.
Hey Metamatic! Welcome to Austin . I remember your thread from earlier, trying to figure out how the register the car in TX. Hm, had I known you were moving to Austin, I maybe could have hooked you up with the car I was offered from the Austin dealership after I got my car (which I am picking up Friday) from a TN dealership (though it probably would have had lots of extra port options). Anyhow, Austin is a whole lot more affordable than Boston, but the funny thing is everyone in Texas thinks Austin is expensive (which it is, compared to Houston--I had a skewed viewpoint, having previously lived in the Bay Area and New York City). Austin is a great city, and you'll run into plenty of Prii here. I'll be sad when I have to leave . Good luck with your move, but at least you're moving in time to escape winter!
Hi prius chat roomies! As of November 19th a.m. I do have 2 2005 Package 6 Prius vehicles available! Both are with navigation one is seaside (blue) and the other silver in color. Yes I am a dealer and I only charge MSRP, no premium for my Prius Chat Buddies. Contact me if you are in need. Regards, Kent Cochran Internet Sales Manager 970-302-8711 [email protected]
I just turned down a Tideland Pearl Prius that is about to arrive at Central Maine Motors in Waterville. It's on a truck at the moment. As luck would have it, I was offered a 2005 #6 near home in CalifOrNia just after being told about this 2005 #3 in Maine (near our country house). I wanted a #6 too, but I was very tempted with the lower price and the fact that Central Maine Motors is a no-doc-fee dealer. They're REALLY nice and bent over backwards to make the deal. I felt bad turning it down but I couldn't see driving across the country in Winter (I was hoping to get it last Summer or Fall). Anyway, jump on it and you may get it (Tideland Pearl, although our favorite, is not everybody's favorite). Although it's not loaded, the price is really good and it is a Prius.