So some fashion designer with too much money bought the Barry Bonds home run ball for #756 for 3/4 Million dollars all so he could "democratize" the ball. He set up a WEB SITE where everyone gets a chance to vote for the fate of the ball. He'll either donate to Cooperstown unblemished for posterity, he'll brand it with an asterix and then give it to Cooperstown, or he'll blast it into space banishing it permanently from the planet. Won't tell you how I voted, but I'm curious to see if the PC community will vote with the rest of the world on the matter.
Oh, not if they shoot it out far enough! Maybe they could drop it somewhere on Mars and see if one of the explorer bots finds it. Just one more day for folks to get their votes in. I'm personally hoping for the third option but only because I like the idea of (cue dramatic voice) Baseballs In Space!.
Someone has to start the feeding frenzy, so it might as well be me. I voted to bestow it. As things stand right now, there's no proof (a hell of a lot of suspicion, but no proof) that Bonds took anything. So until it's either proven that he did or his record is broken, then the record is legit and the ball should be in the HOF.
But it should be noted, for all eternity, the events and suspicions around the record. It isn't something that should be put there with a simple sign saying "Barry's 756th homerun ball" with no context. I think the asterics will make this a unique piece, will constantly remind us of the suspicions, and will keep the world aware of the issue of illegal drug use once we've started to let it slip from the list of priorities in a few years. The HOF has already said they'll accept the ball with the asterics and are making arrangements to get it.