I think I might know the answer to this - but thought I'd ask the question anyway.My Toyota Dealer has offered the Environmental Package (Rust Proofing, Sound Proofing, and Paint & Fabric Protection) on a Prius for $698.00. My gut instinct is to say no - but I'd welcome comments either for or against. Thanks.
It's a scam to extract more profit from the deal. The car is already rust proofed. Ask if they use "Brown Bread" or other real sound dampening products, or if they are just BSing you. The paint protection is fine, but a little overpriced. Use a good wax. The seats shouldn't require fabric protection, but if you want, a $10 spray can of 3M fabric protector will do the same job. If you go to a detail shop they would do all that for 1/2 the quoted price. Nice scam.
The car comes with rust proofing. The aforementioned $10 can of 3M Scotchguard works just as well as anything they can sell you. If you don't mind doing the grunt work yourself, Dynamat is awesome sound insulation: http://www.dynamat.com/products_automotive...mat_xtreme.html OR Lowe's has a knockoff, which is pretty good and cheaper (although the Dynamat stuff isn't too badly priced...at least compared to what the dealer is trying to get you to buy). Paint protectant I highly recommend a product called Rejex: http://www.corrosionx.com/rejex.html. Supposedly they sell it to the military because it repels chemicals and soot from jet exhaust (or some crazy thing like that). All I know is I put it on my STI and it was like the damn thing had some sort of force field around it. Bug guts and tree sap wiped right off for like 6 months (you only have to apply it like twice a year). Shines up like crazy as well. Most of the new synthetic polymer waxes are very good though (Meguire's NXT et al).
Thanks for the input so far. I was pretty certain I was going to say no - but I appreciate your insights - and tips! I'll let you know when we bring our new "baby" home!