I had a question with the steering wheel controls after the EV mod... Keep in mind that this is supposed to be the homemade EV button, not the one that works with the cruise control. Has anyone ever had the EV button mod effect the steering wheel controls? The steering wheel controls have gone haywire, with the radio off (as well as the EV), when I push the buttons on the steering wheel they start controlling the defroster, AC, recirculation etc. Examples; Vol up activates the recirculation Vol down does the Display Mode does nothing Arrow Down does the rear defrost Arrow Up does the A/C an front defrost AC does nothing Recirculation button does nothing Front defrost does the AC etc. Any Ideas? I'm not sure why but the people that did it said it only started once they installed the EV button. Thanks and I look forward to sharing info for future progress of these cars
Those bones are not connected in any way. You don't have the DICE unit for Ipod or anything by chance do you? I'd look for a different system altogether as the cause.
Did you do the mod yourself? My guess is that when wiring into the computer the wires came out (Which is easy to have happen, since the "lock" has to be realesed on hte harness.) And they did not go back together correctly. The fact that the buttons ALWAYS do the wrong thing supports this hypothesis. Does anyone have a photo or color codes associated with the correct pin mappings?
hmm... you bring up a valid point... I did not do the conversion myself. the person that did isn't around anymore either. This was a small part of a senior design school project last year and they graduated. The two things that i don't like about how he did it are; 1. he didn't use the factory toyota connector and slide it into place, he got a few from radio shack an just used on that fit. I might find the apropriate one and do it over. 2. he has the ground from another wire in the same harness, a white/black stripe. is this a good idea? or should i take that one off and just go to a chassis ground? My only other thoughts/insight to the situation and the codes that you can pull up under the "systems check" EMV 01-d5 190-7f-f 01-d8 190-1a-1 01-dc 1c6a9-4 01-dc 190-1d-3 Audio h/u 01-d6 -8f-1 01-dd 110-8f-1 01-e0 110-8f-1 01-e3 -8f-2 I have been searching the forum to see if anyone has figured what these codes mean but i haven't found anything concrete yet. Thanks for your input guys!
The HV ECU has nothing to do with the controls for the steering wheel/MFD...two totally seperate and unrelated systems. Even if a completely botched job of installing the EV button it wouldn't cause the effects you mention. Can't help on the codes.
I pulled the plug from the receiver(for the steering wheel controls) and checked the wires with an ohm meter. WAY off. I tore the steering shroud off and found the plug that is just before the steering wheel itself and found that there are two rows of 6 or 7 wires... But each row is its own row and the plug can be taken apart and flipped around... so i checked the wire colors and they were in the wrong order. Flipped the two rows of wires and the colors were correct. No problems anymore. And yes i'm sure that is the problem, no toyota didn't do that, it was someone else 8 months ago that was playing around under there. Thanks to all that helped
With the "home made" EV mod you can 'harvest' a pin for the ECU from the steering column. I bet that when the person did the mod and harvested the pin from there they plugged back in incorrectly. Nothing to do with the EV mod, everything to do with the square peg in the round hole.