So on Thursday I picked up my 2008 Grey Touring... brought it home... washed, claybar'd, and sprayed on some cheapy wax stuff... I brewed and hemmed and hawed for the past year before I was able to convince the wifey that it was kinda in the budget to get one and finally it's here. So.... reasons for me getting a Prius: 1) my commute went from 8 to 54 miles round trip. 2) my other/previous car is an S2000 and between the tires, gas prices, cabin noise(problematic for phone conversations) and... 3) I just had a little girl, and fitting a stroller into the trunk of that, putting her in the backseat wasn't really in the cards. So I' poking around for other things I'm going to need/want for the Prius.... I talked to the dealership people about the black bumper guard thing and they had no clue what I was talking about.... Prius store... check. I might be able to swing getting a shark-fin for the antennae at the same time.... prius store... check Cargo liner for stuff in the trunk is something that I'm a little keen on as well.... prius store..... only in black... So I poked around a little bit and it seems there is something similar out there for a little bit less, but by a different make... Carbox. Looks like about $10 cheaper, not sure what shipping costs might be, but also available in Grey. Weathertech makes in grey as well, but I'd have to go elsewhere for a couple more bucks. Anyone have any experience with Carbox? comparable to Weathertech?
Weathertech makes and excellent product and it fits very well. I have purchased from them with no problem. As for the shark fin antenna, you may experience some loss of signal in fringe areas.
I've got Weathertech in Black for the Cargo Area. Fits perfect. Bought their products for other cars. Totally satisfied.
I bought the Carbox ones to save a few dollars, but now I regret it and wish I'd gotten the Weawthertech - go for the Weathertech!
I got the W. tech too and very happy with it. Fits perfect. Its not cheap though but solid black plastic. I got a cheapo cloth one from eBay too that I put underneath for sound deadening. Curious....why would you claybar a brand new car? I thought claybaring was only for cars that had minor buildup/residue problems? Wouldn't claybaring take some of the clearcoat off ? Never claybarred myself before just had a detail place do it to one of my cars with the paint getting dull.