I picked up my car from Dianne this evening at Carson Toyota. :clap: :clap: :clap: The sales experience was very easy, as you would expect knowing how great Dianne has been on PriusChat.com. After many months of fretting, obsessing, you name it, I have my car. It drives better than I hoped it would. It is so smooth and easy to drive. I have already figured out how to get it into stealth as much as possible. My drive home was a little over 40 miles in stop and go Los Angeles freeway traffic. The display read 49.1 mpg when I turned the car off! All I can say is "wow!" I have posted pics of my new car at my Prius web page titled My Car. Much more later, but I am a bit tired, but still totally revved up from the day. I should try to get some sleep. My 8th graders won't care tomorrow that I have a new car and I'm tired. Jeff
I hate you.....:cussing: HAHA..jk....CONGRATS!!! glad to hear the buying experience from Dianne went well...hope you enjoy your prius !!! Still waiting for that call...i feel like that fake psychic lady "MISS CLEO", i just wanta scream "CAAALL ME NOW"..if ur hearing this Dianne that means you :wink: {White BC or BG in gray} <~~~ shameful plug BTW...ENJOY THE CAR!
Congratulations Jeff! Now you can take all the eighth grade kids out and show them how cars of the future will look and be powered. Teach them the benefits of hybrid synergy drive. They will be thrilled, and you will have done the world a service by teaching the kids about a better way to get around.
My heartfelt contratulations, Jeff. You deserve it. Your patience for having been on the list for so long is commendable and those who are still on the list can take some comfort knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't an oncoming train. Hugs, Bob
Driving to work today was great. The mpg started out at 49.1 from the drive last night. By the time I got to work the display read 50.1. I drive on city streets the entire way. I have noticed how much more aware I was of speed and distance to the lights. I probably missed a couple of light I would have sped up for before, but didn't want to have to slam on the breaks. The drive was much more relaxing. I just love the smart-start system It is really fun to walk up to the car, reach for the handle, hear it beep, and then you open up the door. The tideland is nicer than I thought it would be. I had only seen in once for a few minutes. More later. The kids are coming in from Nutrition. Jeff
Great looking car! It will change the way you drive. There is something about having the ICE shut down that makes the wait at stop lights much more bearable. I don't mind stopping, heck, I get to regernerate while slowing down and then relax a minute. A win - win situation. It is a very relaxing way to drive. I admire your patience taking photos of the new car. I was too eager to get in and DRIVE to take any prictures of mine. I have enjoyed visiting your website many times in the past. Thanks for the effort. John
That tideland really does look great - your pics do the color more justice than I've seen before. As always, thanks for the site and the work you do for the Prius community - looks like you can do more now that you have a car!
Jeff, I really like the tideland color - very sophisticated looking on the Prius. I have not seen it before. Now it is my second favorite color. Salsa red (mine) being numero uno, of course. Nice website and photos. Congratulations and enjoy!
Thanks Danny. I am going to post more pictures tonight of the car in more direct sunlight. It was early, but still brighter than last night.
Is the tideland pearl a light shade of green...I can't seem to figure the color from toyota's web site or the posted pictures.
Don't go by the Toyota site for any of the colors except Black and White. Think of tideland as a charcoal green. There are some photos around, including a few in my personal album if you want to see. It's not at all like the chip on the site. But then again, the seaside is more of a soft bright blue and salsa is more of a bing cherry than the electric color on the Toyota site. The driftwood has a bit more metallic sheen to it, in my opinion, the the website isn't off by much.
Stan, If you go to my web site mentioned at the bottom of this email and click on My Car, you will see the tideland in a variety of settings and light conditions. I think they are pretty close to what I see out my front window. Jeff