I just purchased a 2001 Prius with 74,000 miles. Bought it off of ebay from a local private seller for $7700. Not a bad deal. Now my question for all of you knowledgeable folk. What should I get checked out get maintained. I assume an oil change is always a good idea. Tire pressure check as well. Transmission fluid change and brakes? Anything Prius specific that should be checked out before I start driving regularly? Also, I noticed today that the power door lock on the driver door does not seem to be working. Not with the fob or with the power lock button. Is this a common problem? Any guesses on how much the repair would be? Thanks for all of your help. I am a total n00b to the Prius and to cars in general (haven't had one in 6 years.)
Hi tirexstorm, Transmission fluid change ASAP. Robert J. Wilson is your friend. Read his posts. Get them to wipe down the available surfaces reachable inside the hole for the pan. Brakes may be ok due to regerative braking the hybrid system provides.
Another welcome tirexstorm. For extra credit on the trans. fluid, consult with Bob W. whether it might be possible/desireable to confirm that the fluid pump pickup o-ring is correct. If you want to toss $20 at another interesting Prius topic, have the old engine oil analyzed. Before your oil and filter change. Engine air filter, cabin air filter, check. Both coolant loops should have been replaced at 30 and 60k. Can you confirm if such past maintenance has been done? Always of interest if the HV battery had been resealed and the crankshaft position sensor replaced. If there had been a prior problem noted, the power steering and engine control module might also have been replaced. Any Toyota dealer could research such matters based on your VIN. The spark plugs are probably original, but removal, inspection, and anti-sieze on the threads will make them easier to replace at 100k, or 120k, or whenever seems most appropriate. Rubber hoses and belts cracked, or nice? CV boots OK? Prius brakes do last a long time but this safety system always merits a little inspecting, especially after several road salt winters. Maybe your key fob needs a new battery? The driver door lock switch is a different matter. If you become sure it's not working, you can remove it and inspect the electrical connections underneath. If truly failed, the salvage vehicle dismantlers might save a few bucks vs dealer price. If you have removeable floor mats, make sure that the one driver's one has a hook holding it back. Otherwise a small chance of itgetting scrunched under the accelerator pedal. There are a few others, but they are not lethal (neither is a rug-scrunch, usually) and I wouldn't want to have all the fun here.
One more question: My friend is a mechanic (works at the local Cadillac dealer). Should I take it to him for a look-over and to do the maintenance for free and wholesale cost on parts, or should I take it to the Toyota dealer and pay full price? (I was just quoted $300 for the 75k service by the local toyota service shop.) My friend admittedly doesn't know much about the hybrid system, but I imagine the transmission, brakes, door lock, and oil should be easy for him. Thanks for all of the replies.
I would definately take it to the Toyota dealership. It would be better suited for the car, and your knowledge of the capabilites of the mechanic. 300.00 is alot, but i paid 207.00 for my 15,000 mile service... I guess when you do have a kind of high-mileage hybrid it's good to go to the toyota dealership.