Feedback to Toyota about Nav and Phone Lockout

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by mayall, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. mayall

    mayall New Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Please stop the political discussion. I like a good political argument as much as anyone but this seems like the wrong place for it.

    I started this thread because I want Toyota to improve their nav/phone system. I'd like others that feel the same way to also give their feedback to Toyota.

    I'm not holding my breath waiting for a better system but I figure it is worth the time. Toyota seems to be very good at improving their cars. The nav/phone system is a glaring exception.

    Again, the easy way to send Toyota feedback is:

    Send Toyota Feedback via Email


    Will Mayall
  2. kermityfrog

    kermityfrog New Member

    May 18, 2007
    i kind of like and dislike the lock out.

    But most of the time i dislike it is when i am in hurry to get to a place or calling someone. But other of the time, I am fine with it. I think it is better to keep that way because if you can change something while driving, other careless driver can do the same. Signing a a waiver will not help either even you think you can take the risk and drive better then other, but other drivers can they do the same?

    I have a CarPC I built in my 350z which has full nav and BT phone feature that I can use anytime while driving, but that I can tell you is very dangerous to use while driving. If I can touch on the screen while driving and know where to touch, I can do it safely. And sometimes I will just gets to focus on changing something on the touchscreen and almost rear ended someone. Thus, now i learn to pull over to a parking lot or exit a ramp to just do what I want.

    just my 2cent....
  3. JenGwen323

    JenGwen323 New Member

    Jul 7, 2007
    Los Angeles
    2007 Prius
    I don't mind the lock out. Just like putting on make-up, eating, and reading the paper, I shouldn't be inputing info while driving, but I can do it at stoplights.

    Happily the speed dial still works.

    I haven't worked at the voice command much, but it does seem like a waste of breath.