After having my Prius for almost 4 months, I drove my neighbour's brand new Civic yesterday. It was so different. I felt as if I were learning to drive. I couldn't handle the opening/locking with a remote, inserting and turning the key etc. The handling was so terrible. The rough acceleration, the whining and shifting of gears, it was appalling ! It seemed a major hassle to look dowm at the speedometer and calculate the speed-ie it is a little more than 50, a little less than 60, so must be 55, as opposed to just reading 55!!! I can't believe how much I have changed in mere 4 months. To think I actually like her car when I tried it just before I got the Prius! The control was really lacking, the steering seemed huge..
I have been fortunate in that I have not been required to drive another car since getting Priapus. Though I find it hard to believe that it would be all that difficult. I drove overseas for several months on the wrong side of the car and road but had no problems reaquainting myself when I returned. Actually, the only lasting affects are spelling words like travelling and honour, a respect for all things international, and a few residual exclimations such as "feic, drink, arse!"
8) I understand how you guys feel. I told my wife that I was having Prius withdraws not driving my Prius. I was relegated to driving my son's RAV4 and/or my wifes Avolon. But now I have it back..... Ben :flame: arty: :computer:
Yea, I drive my wife's Camry to get the oil changed and wonder about that strange noise when I stop. :mrgreen:
HUMU is in having his rear bumper replaced after a little mid intersection meeting that, fortunately, resulted in minor damage, no injuries and the other driver's fault. Meanwhile, I am renting a silver grey 2004 Chevy Malibu sedan, with the all grey interior. I feel like an ad for black and white TV. There is no question in my mind that the Prius is a vastly superior car. The Malibu seems, well, boring. Acceleration is adequate, and there is ample leg room, but the car overall feels like it was put together with dis-interest and indifference. There is nothing particularly exciting about any part of this car. The guy at Enterprise Car Rental (good company, by the way) regretted that they had no Prii to rent to me; they do have them at some of their larger outlets but they are always gone. When he asked me how the Prius compared to, say, the Malibu, I told him that I can easily understand why 8 of the top ten cars in Consumer Reports annual survey are Japanese. I'm saddened by America's apparent indifference to the energy crisis and the public's acceptance of mediocrity in our political leadership and corruption in our corporate leadership. You knowI love the Prius, but I'm just patriotic enough to wish that this country had invented it. Bob
occasionally (twice in the past 5 months) i have had to drive my ford pickup. it is a definite shock to the system. i never realized how springy the truck drove and i dont remember the steering being so sloppy. and it is a hassle to drive.
I too have driven in many countries around the world extensively(including on the other side) and am perfectly at home flying to London, Paris, Delhi or Mexico City and driving. However, I ahven't done any of that for the last four months since the Priusn and now am actually a little nervous about driving another car in the future. :roll:
We own a Prius 2004 for two months now. Last time my wife had to drive our old Honda Civic 1.5 again. She called me by phone desperately, because she could not put it in the first gear. After a lot of questioning I discovered that she pushed again and again with her foot on the brake in stead of the clutch! So in two months a habit from years can dissappear totally... Jan
My big worry is that I'll drive a 'normal' car, get out and forget to take the keys out of the ignition.
My big SHOCK is when I have to take my wife's Chevy Venture to the gas station and it cost almost $40 to fill it up!
$40?? must be nice.... i got twin 18 gallon tanks on my Ford... but i have to admit, it hasnt been full in years.