If you find any really bad errors with the nav system, post them here for others to know about. Especially those that might affect a large number of users. Missing or incorrect local streets or POIs shouldn't be put here. For example, while traveling westbound on I-70 about an hour east of St. Louis, I said "rest area". It indicated that a rest area was about 1.5 miles ahead. Well, when I got there, there wasn't anything in sight - no rest area, no exit, no buildings, nothing...just empty space. However, about 5 miles further along, a "real" rest area did show up (and was also displayed on the map). BTW, I noticed in the owner's manual that the nav system gets its address and phone number information from InfoUSA. I've used some of their mailing lists before, and there's always a few incorrect entries. For the most part, they're accurate, but every once in a while they have some real whoppers in their database. All this being said, I think the nav system is an unbelievable piece of technology. It makes me want to quit my job and just drive around the country, visiting everything I find along the way :mrgreen:
Well, I'm not sure there's any point in posting those errors until everyone has the NAV DVD upgrade. At that point and errors might be worth pointing out. See the following thread if you don't know what I'm talking about: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/merged-toy...ade-vt5364.html
Re: Glaring nav system errors that could affect everyone Does anyone know the version of the updated Navigation CD?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Quickster\";p=\"50701)</div> 4.2--currently. Speculation is that if you wait until later next year you may get a later version.
Re: Glaring nav system errors that could affect everyone I have the 4.2 version, so I guess my contribution counts
Re: Glaring nav system errors that could affect everyone <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bcool\";p=\"50713)</div> Oh man...I did NOT wanna hear that... Lots of us had our hopes up that the new version would be a lot better. I may change the thread title (if I can figure out how) to make it an area to report version 4.2 errors.
Having only experienced the 4.2 version, I can't comment on how it compares to the others. In my 3 days of using it so far, that was the worst glitch I came across. It's disappointing that you're always going to be missing the newest data - new roads, subdivisions, restaurants, etc. Oh, well, maybe someday we'll have wireless internet access that constantly updates the database It really freaks me out how it follows your progress along, even showing the name of the road you're currently on.
I'm planning to order the upgrade when I go in for 10K service Wednesday. I recent;y got home from a vacation in South Carolina and over the 2700 mile trip we experienced a few errors (being routed to an obviously out of the way, remote area that was supposedly a freeway on-ramp, being told to exit a freeway in Charleston, SC where no exit existed, being told a restaurant was about four blocks and across a few streets from where it actually was), but for the most part it still got us everywhere we needed to go. What would be nice is a "smarter" auto re-route system. On many occasions, we'd have a clear route, stop for gas without suspending guidance, and we'd get rerouted onto a bunch of backroads once the car was turned on again. Or we'd look at a map and see that two highways intersected, but the NAV would want us to get off earlier and drive on city streets to connect to the other freeway. If we missed the exits, it kept trying to reroute us on backroads instead of just sending us on the freeway. When we got closer to home, we knew the way we wanted to go, but the NAV had us going a way that was 50 miles longer. We had to keep going until there was literally NO POSSIBLE WAY for us to get home otherwise before it figured out what we were doing. Moments before, it was telling us to do U-turns and drive over 50 miles out of the way to get back on it's chosen route. At one point we were 30 miles from home and it wanted us to drive like 88.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bcool\";p=\"50716)</div> ......for a small monthly fee, of course. :naughty: I'm also sorry to learn about the anomalies in v4.2. OTOH, I'll take my chances since my 3.2 version seems to be about 2-3 years out of date.
I have version 3.1. I will probably upgrade sooner than later due to strange quirks like last week when I drove from my home in Cary, NC to Reidsville, NC. The system had me on I-40W and then taking the I-85 exit going north, then the 1st exit and then crossing back to the I-85 southbound on-ramp, then back to next exit I-40W to continue on the orginal route I was on. Bill in Cary, NC '04 BC Black "HIGHBRED", now with XM '04 BC White
dejavu! Same story as version 3.1 Nav. Whatever happend to the 'fix' which Toyota customer service promised to all the V.3 owners? :cussing: Toyota and Lexus, your Nav simply sucks!!! Dump it and go with the Honda/Acura version of Nav. And please get rid of the speed sensor. Improve the graphic and color Improve the voice recog. Improve the accuracy. I don't want to get lost because of nav. That means I got a stop and ask for direction. Oh, well... looks like I am stuck with v.3 Nav and paper maps for awhile.
oooops, I should have read the other posting. Sounds like we are getting the fix soon. Yeahhhhh!!!!! :lol: Hope to see some improvement.
bcool how long have you had your car? i was under the impression that the free fix was a new as yet unreleased version. do you have an 05?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(starcross\";p=\"50765)</div> You can probably use the diagnostics screen on the MFD (or whatever it's called) but I just ejected the DVD; the version number is printed on the label. The drive is under the driver's seat. There's a faceplace (cover) with two tabs. Push down, remove the cover, and slide the tab on the left (labeled "open") to the left. The DVD will pop out.
I have a brand-spankin' new 2005 - I just picked it up Friday (11/12). Interestingly, my VIN ends with 000835...that seems like an awfully low number, considering that it just arrived in port about 2 weeks ago.
Yeah, I believe someone on here has already posted having version 4.23, already a version newer than bcool's or the update we're all getting for free. -m.
I'll take my chances with a *FREE* version 4.2, rather than waiting until next year for one that might be more correct, but cost me $200-300. BTW, there is a "DVD" icon in the upper right hand corner of the MENU screen. Press the icon and the next screen should show the version number. This sequence works for version 4.1, I don't know about version 3.x.
My Prius is in the dealer right now for a Check Engine light. I asked them if they can perform the update and they said that they haven't heard anything and that "Us Prius owners always hear things before the dealers". So, if they can figure it out before the end of the day, I will have mine updated.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hytec\";p=\"50810)</div> If I understand the TSB, it is good until Dec 31, 2005. So you should be able to get it done any time in the next year without cost. We are assuming they will use whatever the current DVD disc is at the time rather than making 22,000 of the current one now and sending them to the dealer upon request. Probably not as they have to order the DVD. They probably can't get it in the same day.