I have a 2005 and a T6o8. Since I am a Sprint subscriber, it appears the T608 is currently the only phone I can use. The bluetooth connects OK most of the time and basically works OK. My problem is that it appears to be no way to initiate an outgoing call when the cars is moving more than four miles per hour. This makes the bluetooth connection less than usefull. Am I missing something?. Any help appreciated. [font=Arial:d67c65ac07] [/font:d67c65ac07]
It's a well-known fact that (like Nav functions), the phone functions are "locked out" when the vehicle is in motion. There are several posted (do a search) methods to defeat the speed sensor, but all of them require some "under the dash" work. I have the same phone, and you can initiate calls from the handset even when the vehicle is in motion. Not ideal, but pretty good. Set up your phone book and quick dial numbers (these still work during travel), and you should be all set to make calls "in motion." Hope this helps.
Does that mean that I can dial from the on screen phone book or quick dial when in motion? I don't seem able to do so. The only functions I have under way are answer and call end.
You can dial using the quick dial presets you've set up while the car is in motion. Press the "call" button on the steering wheel, and select the name.
Sorry if I'm not quite getting it . Do you mean quick dial on the the phone or on the Prius screen. My quick dial numbers on the screen will not dial when in motion.
ON screen. The boxes with the names and numbers. The numbers will blank out when the vehicle is in motion, but you can still press them to initiate the call.
Finally got it together. Since the quick blocks were grayed out I assumed incorrectly that they were non functiuonal. Took a little while to send phone book . There was no "send all" in the phonebook menu, "business card" send all worked. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.
I have a 2005 with the same phone. Have either of you been able to get the phone to connect to the car using the Automatic mode? The phone only seems to connect when I have the mode set to ON, but the battery life of the phone seems to be very short. The phone says that if you change the mode to Automatic it will extend the battery, but when I do this the phone and car never connect. Any ideas? Thanks.
Mine's in the "On" positions. Battery life suffers a little, but a car charger took care of that problem. In "Automatic" mode, the phone does not connect. In auto mode, the phone can only receive, not send, and therefore can't dial, as far as I understand it.
One thing you can do is to call from the handset, then transfer the call to the hands free. It's a bit of a pain, but does allow a method to initiate calls that aren't in the one touch list. Try Menu, Bluetooth, Transfer once you're on the call.