<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigbaldcuban\";p=\"50635)</div> [align=center:c22f3b4830] :lolup: :jester: :rofl: HIZZAH!! HIZZAH!![/align:c22f3b4830]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wolfman\";p=\"50640)</div> Not to worry Wolfman...I wouldn't let it denegrate to that level.
Too bad I still won't be old enough to run... :cussing: Wanna move to South Carolina & help me run for State Legislature? :idea:
Never to early to start grooming you though. State Legislature, then Governor, maybe a foreign posting at some point to beef up the foreign affairs end (though GWB didn't seem to need this), etc. etc....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jchu\";p=\"50763)</div> Yes, but unless Danny isn't telling us everything, I don't think he has the family connections to go that route.
I can see it now Danny vs. Arnold for President in '12 Or, if Danny's get's the Rep. nomination it could be Danny vs. Jerry Springer!!! I think those commercials will be much more entertaining.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigbaldcuban\";p=\"50807)</div> Hmmm, that would require TWO constitutional amendments. Arnold wasn't born here and Danny would only be 33 years old. I'm thinking your plan needs work Manny.
That also assumes Danny will still be a Democrat in '12..............and Arnold will still be a Republican......... :lol:
GOP's Future Sits Precariously on Small Cushion of Victory GOP\'s Future Sits Precariously on Small Cushion of Victory Click here for the complete article[/url] Yet by the standards of previous reelected presidents, Bush's victory looks much more modest. Since the formation of the modern political party system in 1828, 11 presidents have won a second term, while four more — Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry S. Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson — won election after completing the term of a president who died in office. Bush's victory ranks among the narrowest ever for a reelected president. Measured as a share of the popular vote, Bush beat Kerry by just 2.9 percentage points: 51% to 48.1%. That's the smallest margin of victory for a reelected president since 1828. The only previous incumbent who won a second term nearly so narrowly was Democrat Woodrow Wilson: In 1916, he beat Republican Charles E. Hughes by 3.1 percentage points. Apart from Truman in 1948 (whose winning margin was 4.5 percentage points), every other president elected to a second term since 1832 has at least doubled the margin that Bush had over Kerry. In that 1916 election, Wilson won only 277 out of 531 electoral college votes. That makes Wilson the only reelected president in the past century who won with fewer electoral college votes than Bush's 286. Measured another way, Bush won 53% of the 538 electoral college votes available this year. Of all the chief executives reelected since the 12th Amendment separated the vote for president and vice president — a group that stretches back to Thomas Jefferson in 1804 — only Wilson (at 52%) won a smaller share of the available electoral college votes. The scale of Bush's victory, compared with that of most other reelected presidents, doesn't provide the basis for claiming an extravagant mandate.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bruceha_2000\";p=\"50809)</div> Hmmm, that would require TWO constitutional amendments. Arnold wasn't born here and Danny would only be 33 years old. I'm thinking your plan needs work Manny. [/b][/quote] Actually, there is a movement in Cali. to change the constitution to allow Arnold to run for Prez. While we're at it, let's just lower the age limit for two years and kill two birds with one stone.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigbaldcuban\";p=\"50807)</div> Danny still won't be old enough in '12 His byline states an age of 25. The earliest he can run to my recollection is 20 years from now. (minimum age of 45 for president)
Semantics, semantics, semantics. You're assuming he's being honest about his age. For all we know, he could be a 12 year old girl or a 63 yr. old. sociopath who will release his manifesto on this website one day. Not all you see on the Net is authentic. :mrgreen:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jchu\";p=\"50906)</div> Doc, the minimum age is thirty-five (US Constitution, Article II, Section 1). We have had two Presidents, in the history of the republic, who were sworn to office when they were younger than forty-five, Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.