I'm out of town until tomorrow, but I've got an iPod2car (PDXP) and the Prius harness waiting at home for installation in my 2005 Prius (non-JBL, no changer) when I get back. I've also bought one of the new 160gb iPod classics to use as my car player (as I have over 80gb of music and this is the only one that will hold it all without selective syncing). Does anyone know if the new iPods work with iPod2car? I've seen some reports that they don't work with the DICE, they display an "accessory connected" message the whole time. I really don't even care if the deck controls work at changing tracks and such, I just want to hear music from my iPod over the stereo speakers at good quality. I've got my old 60gb iPod Photo to test with just in case, but I sure hope it works with the 160gb classic. If not, does anyone know if I can just chain the iPod2car Aux Input Switcher (http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=1048) to my iPod2car unit and aux out from the 160gb? Thanks for any input.
I'm out of town until tomorrow, but I've got an iPod2car (PDXP) and the Prius harness waiting at home for installation in my 2005 Prius (non-JBL, no changer) when I get back. I've also bought one of the new 160gb iPod classics to use as my car player (as I have over 80gb of music and this is the only one that will hold it all without selective syncing). Does anyone know if the new iPods work with iPod2car? I've seen some reports that they don't work with the DICE, they display an "accessory connected" message the whole time. I really don't even care if the deck controls work at changing tracks and such, I just want to hear music from my iPod over the stereo speakers at good quality. I've got my old 60gb iPod Photo to test with just in case, but I sure hope it works with the 160gb classic. If not, does anyone know if I can just chain the iPod2car Aux Input Switcher (http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=1048) to my iPod2car unit and aux out from the 160gb? Thanks for any input.
Well, I got back home and installed the iPod2car. It thankfully works great with my 160gb classic! My only issue is that I routed the cable into the lower glove box, but the fit is a bit tight (I'm using the 2-in-1 harness cable). I'm going to read up on a better spot to put it. I'd really like to have my lower glove box for random stuff, and I'm not sure I want to drill a slot through the upper glove box, though the ipod and ipod2car would fit quite well up there.