ok i will take a pic later on because you have to see it at night and daytime to appreciate the clean install they did for me at Beach Auto Sound in Costa Mesa. The HB one did my ipod plug too. They put it in that little compartment under the radio of my package 2. it looks so neat at night because i dont need to open the door to see the display its way cool. I have a remote for it too. i have not activated it yet but i am hearing the preview channel through my disc 6. I dont have text on my radio I wish i did but i dont. grrrrrrr! i have a message button on the radio function. But no text They tried to do the sirius kit that supposedly works on ALL prius' well it didnt work on my prius. they did it anyway for S and G. no matter how many times they hit the am button, it didnt work. I do know they found out that the 07's are funny that way and there is supposed to be a kit coming out for my baby but I want my sirius now. So later maybe we will get it put on but for now i have the starbase tuner. i would have got the plug and play but it was too big for the compartments. it was either going under the radio or where the sunglasses go but it was just too bulky. I didnt want to advertise hey i have a radio come break in my car and take it! But the guys at Beach auto sound knew what i liked and they said people that have it in the prius complain about how it looks and then my dh saw it and said oh no she would not be happy. So i got that. it makes a funny noise when i start the car too its cute. My daughter said it sounds like a video game LOL :lol: Anyway stay tuned for pics later on when its dark and light. i will take a few for you guys i promise. i am a perfectionist so be patient with me.