"Give Us A Bone" - LACB, November 12, 2004 Ford targeted their new F-Series Super Duty campaign in red states
Another Consolation, Alberto Gonzalez, lapdog to GWB and the one who passed off on physical torture in various memos, who stated that the Geneva Convention is outdated will not make it to the Supreme Court. Historically, the last successful US Attorney General to clear confirmation to the US Supreme Court was 60 years ago under Truman; a guy named Clark if I remember correctly.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." - H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
:iagree :iagree :iagree Who would have thought that Mencken as prophesier would be better than Nostradamus!!! :lol: :lol:
No comparison! Nostradamus wrote pure gobbledegook, that any semi-competent crackpot can twist to mean whatever he likes. Nothing in Nostradamus can honestly be said to have predicted anything. Mencken was an astute observer who merely extrapolated. Still, it's frightening. And as for Gonzalez not making it to the Supreme Court, merely because it has not happened for 60 years, your logic is flawed. Supreme Court justices sit for so long, and there are so few of them, that no conclusions about their path to that post can be drawn from such a short observation as 60 years.
Ah, I love these people. This guy sounds like a pre-Micheal Moore. If you don't believe the same things I believe, then you are, by default, a moron. Logic would then stand to reason, that these people, like Moore, that don't believe what the other people say, that in turn would make them morons. Yada yada yada.
Here's a quick read from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Mencken Also, RedDevil, keep in mind that someone could have used the above quote at any time during the Clinton Administration in their attack of the Democratic Party. Because Mencken died 50 years ago, it is not even remotely concievable that he was refering to the current administration. Besides, Mencken has some other quotes that were absolutely incorrect, racist, and elitist. Read the wikipedia artcile for a couple examples. After one's death, their sins are more often ignored or washed over in favor of their achievements.
To date, we've only had run-of-the-mill morons. A downright moron may be there in the not-too-distant future: [Broken External Image]:http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.co...ok10311130542.japan_schwarzenegger_tok103.jpg
Do you say this because as a Republican Arnold is left of center in party politics, or that if he were in the Democrat party he would be considered a right-wing nut job? The people of California love Arnold as governor . . . and don't forget, California is a "blue" state! Anyone who lives in Chicago, with its mayor with mob ties, has little room to call someone else’s politician a moron. http://www.detnews.com/2004/nation/0402/07...ation-57756.htm
Neither. I make no distinction; there are morons and downright morons in both parties. Hey, thanks! I wasn't aware of that (only having lived in this area damned near all of my life). :roll: :lol: BTW, I consider Daley to be a downright moron (as is his brother and was his father).
The point is not that Mencken was refering to the current administration. Of course he was not predicting this particular administration. He was predicting that American-style democracy was taking us in a direction where we would wind up electing a moron as president. Whatever you may think of Clinton as a womanizer, a liberal, a criminal, whatever, one thing he is not is a moron. He is an extremely intelligent man, whatever his shortcomings. Ronald reagan appeared to be senile throughout his presidency (he thought he had fought in the war, when in fact he had only played a soldier in movies, and he thought that ICBM's could be recalled once fired, and he even had the preposterous idea that we could all survive an all-out nuclear war by digging a small hole in the ground, covering it with 6 feet of dirt, and hiding in it) but he was able to speak correct English. In other words, he was senile but not stupid. G.W. Bush is the first president in modern times to be stupid enough to deserve the literal descriptor of moron. H.L. Mencken did not prophesy Bush. But he did predict correctly that sooner or later the American public would elect a moron to the presidency.
Yes, he was an elitist, biggoted, blowhard...I'm sure there are better people that you could have picked to quote, unless you subscribe to his drivel.
Daniel, my point was not to pick on Clinton. All I intended was to point out how easy it is to take a single quote and apply it any way you want. I was just trying to quell an impending series of personal attacks. Oh well. Now, about Ford selling their trucks in "red" states: is this true? Is there a link or some source for this information? Or is that just a goof?
You left out that he was a conservative who opposed President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. I don't tell you whom to quote, don't tell me how to illustrate my views.
I could care less what his political affiliation was. I was just pointing out that there are better individuals that you could quote to illustrate your views then this guy. But hey, it's your view you can quote whatever crackpot you want to quote.
And for those of us who end up deciding that a particular individual or thread is becoming too annoying for us, I believe that that is what the ignore feature performs.
Woohoo! Political discourse!!! Republicans are homophobes! Democrats are pussies!! Hizzah! Hizzah! In '08, I'm writing in Danny for President.
As a mod, I don't care if the thread annoys me or not. It is not in my responsibilities to dictate what can and cannot be said within open forum. It was simply beginning to look like it was about to escalate to a personal level. Hence, the request to keep it civil. Have fun.........