I filled up my prius the other day with gas, and right as I left I noticed it running strange...not accelerating correctly...It was almost like the car wasn't changing gears and at 40mph it sounded like it was screaming! I dropped it right off at the dealer and the next day they called and said they couldn't find anything wrong...I picked it up and it was running fine again... Well today I'm having the same problem...on the highway today it felt really hard to get up to speed.... Any idea why this would be? I'm so nervous about this....I just want it to be ok!!
Perfectly normal for the first minute or so after the engine starts. During that time period the system takes the load off of the engine while it warms up and heats the catalytic convertor. The electric motor and battery take the bulk of the load (unless you really mash the accelerator) so it feels a little sluggish. (You can see what's going on if you glance at the Energy display.) Mine is usually warmed-up and ready to go by the time I get from my parking space to the street, so it doesn't cause me any grief. This is just a quirk of the system. Nothing to worry about. Best practice is to take it easy for the first minute after engine start and then just drive normally.
Thanks...but it seemed to happen the whole ride to work today (about 15 miles)...there was a good amount of traffic but anytime I had to go above 50, the engine seemed to be revving and it just sounded bad...and it felt different too... I've only had the car about 2 months, but I know it feels wierd... I will definitely warm up the engine first later, though!! Thanks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LisaM @ Sep 10 2007, 12:54 PM) [snapback]510101[/snapback]</div> Actually, the car doesn't shift, it will always be a continuous tone when accelerating. That is part of the design. If the acceleration seemed weak, then it was probably just your battery was low (check the Energy screen) and you were being properly only by the (1.5L) gas engine. Again, perfectly normal situation and one that corrects itself within minutes. Unless you received any alarming messages on the screen or lights on the dash, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. B) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LisaM @ Sep 10 2007, 01:19 PM) [snapback]510115[/snapback]</div> There is no need to 'warm up' the car before driving it, the computer will automatically manage when it needs to provide power or warm the engine, etc... As brick was explaining, the car is trying to also warm the components and therefore work a little harder and can sometimes make a little more noise than a warmed engine, and I don't think it is anything to be concerned about. However, this should be no more than a couple minutes at most, particularly in a California climate. Anytime you "stomp" the accelerator, it will make a bit of a "scream" as the car's "transmission" tries to catch up to the demand. If there is indeed a significant change in tone (that is not just environment-related), perhaps it should be investigated...
I, too, am interested in what your battery SOC shows on the Energy display. If you're in the Pink range you may hear the ICE rev harder and sense a lack of power, but I bet you're actually accelerating at a decent rate. It's not outside the realm of possibility that you could have a bad tank of gas or some mechanical problem with the car, but I suspect it's just that the car sounds and behaves differently than what you'd become accustom to in your conventional car.
Could it possibly be the gas?? I noticed a difference the MINUTE i pulled off the lot! And the people in my car did also....isn't that strange??? It was Chevron, which I've heard is the best gas- but maybe it was a bad tank?? I almost want to run the car so I can just re-fill it up again with something else... At some points the car can't even get up to 70....it just sounds like its screaming and I hve to slow down...and I don't have a lead foot or anything, I have been learning to drive the Prius correctly Thanks for all your input- I knew this would be the place to post...I love the car, but I'm not very good with all this technical business!
If it won't go over 70 something is VERY wrong and it shouldn't need to 'scream' to get there. Take it back, ride with the service manager to show him/her what's wrong and get it fixed. It may be gas, but I'm beginning to think it may be something else.
Yup, this no longer sounds normal. The car would feel sluggish if it were trying to charge the battery but it would still make it to 70mph just fine. How about a stuck parking brake? Are the rear wheels hot after a drive? If you decide to check, BE CAREFUL! Siezed brakes can get a wheel hot enough to burn your hand...you would be able to feel the heat without touching anything. A non-contact thermometer would come in handy but most people don't have one of those lying around.
Thanks for all your input... The frustrating part is I drove it straight to the dealer when I felt it acting wierd- they could NOT find a problem and when I picked it up it was driving fine again... Then today it started acting up again...its very uncomfortable on the 5 when you can't get up to 70 without the car making horrible noises!!! LOL. California drivers already hate me... I'm going to drive it around on lunch and if it keeps up, I'll take it back to the dealer. UGH...not what I need! Esp since we just sold our old car...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LisaM @ Sep 10 2007, 11:54 AM) [snapback]510171[/snapback]</div> Are you certain that you've shifted into "D" and not "B"?
Yeah I'm definitely in D....but it kinda seems like that- like if it were a manual, and I was in the wrong gear... Who knows...I'm going to have my husband drive it later and see what he thinks...then maybe drop it at the dealer AGAIN!!! Thanks
Don't be offended: is there any chance that the parking brake is engaged? This would not be the first time...
Hi LisaM, The parking brake is unusual. To be sure you have completely released it, you need to press down, the pull up with your left foot smoothly until your foot no longer is touching the pedal. If you stop anywhere along the release of the pedal, before the pedal is no longer touching your foot, you will have set some braking force. Additionally, some PC members have found that if the parking brake was not released, and the driver used the full torque of the motor during reversing, it can mal-adjust the brake so that it will not release 100 %. That is, reversing with the brake partially engaged causes the brake to adjust up too tight. If the car does not easily roll backwards with just a little bit of pedal, stop, and recheck that you have fully released the brake. To do this, one resets the brake, then re-releases it. Have the dealarship put the car on the lift, and reset the rear brakes. With the car on the lift, and the brake off, the wheels should be easy to spin. If not, have the rear brake adjusters reset. Then proper operation of the brake pedal will bring the brake setting into a correct amount of play. You should not have trouble doing 70 mph. Hell, it should be hard to not do 70 mph in a Prius, due to its smoothness, and quiet nature. You also need to use the parking brake. Using it resets the rear brake adjustment automatically. If its not properly adjusted, the amount of hydraulic slop in the system will be large, and this could make the switchover from electric to hydraulic braking jerky. Which might cause an unexpected reduction in braking power as one pulls in behind a stationary vehicle.
Hmmm... I check back in here, and I agree with others that this no longer sounds normal. The parking brake does sound like a likely culprit. If you put the car in Drive or Reverse but then not touch the accelerator, does the car crawl as normal? This could be an easy indicator of a non-releasing parking brake...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(donee @ Sep 10 2007, 08:06 PM) [snapback]510334[/snapback]</div> The rear brakes on a U.S. Prius are not adjusted by the parking brake or by braking in reverse. They adjust automatically each time the brake pedal is depressed. It's a slick system. When the parking brake is applied, it presses on the far end of the adjuster to manually engage the brake pads, but that action also precludes any adjustment. Here is a description and some photos of how it works Tom
I would first suspect it was very hot out and a lot of energy was being consumed by the A/C -and- your traction battery SOC was low. You do not have to "let off" the accelerator pedal just because the engine is screaming. It will take care of itself. If a lot of power is needed for the A/C and for accelerating the engine will scream (it will rev. up to 5000 RPM - some call this redline, but it's more like yellow line - it's used by the system but not exceeded). Don't be afraid to make it rev. It's designed to do that. It will not damage anything. Use whatever throttle you need. The only time you would let off is in slippery conditions (heavy rain on oily roads, ice, snow). Even then, the only reason to let off is to ensure you don't force the car to save you. Because that also brings up a host of questions and concerns.
You guys have been so great!! And no, I"'m not offended by anything- I'd be surprised if it wasn't ME that was doing something wrong...I've never had a new car, let alone the Prius, which is way out of my technical range of understanding... SO I drove home last night and didn't feel anything wrong which made me feel SO much better.... I almost feel like I'm at the point of driving myself crazy...checking for wierd sounds, etc...I KNOW something was wrong when I dropped it off at the dealer last week, but they say its fine so maybe I'm just being paranoid. It was fine on the way to work this morning too.... You guys are sooo helpful- I'm learning a lot! Usually i just read the boards and don't post but I freaked out a bit after I felt the car being wierd...I didn't pay all this $ for a new car to be paranoid I hope all's well...and maybe something was out of wack with the parking brake but now is ok, which is why it was wierd at some points...or maybe the AC? OK i'm rambling! Thanks again!! If I feel something wrong again, I'll post it!
Do read the two facing pages in the owners manual about strange sounds. It's pretty funny. Basically it says "anything you hear is normal". The other way to interpret it is the Prius is not normal and doesn't sound that way! It has a different drive system and runs differently than most other cars on the road (except other HSD vehicles, such as the Camry hybrid and Altima hybrid).