(I thought I had more posts here.... ) This is as off about the end of April... I think it's pretty good for having the hydoedge tires! Picked up 1/24/06: MILES 22742.6 GAL 483.9606 MPG 46.99266841
Edited on 5/14/07 With my latest tank ringing in at a new high of 51.9 mpg (calculated vs. 54.3 on the MFD), I now officialy move up to the ranks of the mediocre! Lifetime stats: Miles - 2251 Gallons - 49.31 MPG = 45.65 Weighted average of MPG readings on the MFD (reset at each fillup) - 47.2
2005 package 9 (or is it "BC"?), acquired 2005-04-26 As of 2007-09-08 I have 40615 total miles. I lost the records for the first three fill-ups, but everything since then is at: http://scrye.com/~tkil/prius/gas.html 46.1mpg calculated 47.6mpg MFD weighted
ruby, a salsa red 2005 BC, acquired september 2005: 18570 miles 399.448 gallons average 46.4845 miles/gallon
I'm still in, had a rough summer but managed to stay in the club. Total miles: 11891 Total gal: 262.022 Avg. MPG: 45.3816 Any tips on preserving the battery when parked at work all day? My battery gets to the 6 bars through the drive in, but it seems that when I crank up after the car has been sitting in the parking lot I have maybe 4 bars which go down very quickly, killing my mileage as I bring it back up. Any tips?
I'm still in, had a rough summer but managed to stay in the club. Total miles: 11891 Total gal: 262.022 Avg. MPG: 45.3816 Any tips on preserving the battery when parked at work all day? My battery gets to the 6 bars through the drive in, but it seems that when I crank up after the car has been sitting in the parking lot I have maybe 4 bars which go down very quickly, killing my mileage as I bring it back up. Any tips?
I'm tantalizingly close to leaving this club. But with colder weather approaching, I might be hanging around for a little while. We shall see. Total miles: 9262 Total gallons: 185.57 Avg MPG = 49.91 (MFD weighted avg mpg = 51.0) AZ, I have no idea why your battery would be lower after only sitting in the parking lot during the day. I would get that checked out. Unless you have an accessory that is direct wired (the regular 12V outlets turn off with the car). The battery level on mine is always the same when I start up as when I parked, even if its been a couple of days.
68.3 mpg - most recent tank in Sierra Nevada driving. Cumulative fuel econcomy for 14,800 mi: 50.3 mpg.
2007 Prius purchased April 18th. Mileage: 6357 toal gal: 133.758 total mpg: 47.53 and we have not calculated for the conversion of 15" wheels and tires to 16" wheels and tires, which http://www.miata.net/cgi-bin/tirescgi and www.1010tires.com/TireSizeCalculator.asp?action=submit says to convert by adding +1.6% due to the change in size. Theoretically our mileage, thusly, should be: 48.31.
After 12,776 miles on my 2006 package 8, the computer tells me I have averaged 51.168 mpg and my calculations show 49.764. You can see a spreadsheet here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pdd...S2pr_aG6WEewyaA
I quickly join the Club before Winter tries to kick me out of it. 2007 base model No frills Bought end May 07 5050 km 241.4 liters 4.78 l/100km lifetime 49.2 mpg (US) lifetime
55054 miles 48.1 mpg ( 51 ish in good weather ) ( 45 ish in winter or bad weather ) However with new tires at 50000 mi the good weather number has fallen into the 45 mpg range for the last several tanks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Highly ImPriused @ Sep 17 2007, 10:35 AM) [snapback]513675[/snapback]</div> Check the winter time grill blocking threads, maybe you can still escape to the 50-55 MPG club Probably not, but perhaps you'll have a better winter avg and be able to move up next summer. The bars show the 'big' battery state, not the 12V. If the car is powered down, the big battery is electrically dsconnected. Could be really hot afternoons with cooler morning temps in AZ. Batteries are less efficient when really hot or cold. If you don't have them, I would suggest side window deflectors, at least in the front. Leaving the windows cracked an inch while the car is parked lets a lot of hot air escape but lets in no rain. Due to the angle of the rear window, you can't open it more than a small fraction of an inch without creating a gap at the back which gets bigger as the window goes down. Only a problem if it is going to rain though.
I was at 42.5 MPG lifetime at the end of the first winter and a cold one it was. Climbed up to 45 MPG by July. Been gaining a bit ever since though I doubt I'll ever graduate to the 50-55 MPG group. Winter will not allow it. I'd be hoping for the 55-60 MPG group if I only had to deal with our summer temps. My numbers are in the signature, but I thought I'd post the '3 year numbers' since I've now had the car that long Miles: 50,294.8 MFD MPG: 48.76 Calculated MPG: 47.80 (Actual miles/gallons - Delta: 2%) Gallons of gas: 1,052.17 Cost of gas: $2,555.14 Gallons saved vs '95 Odyssey: 1,475.18 $ Saved vs '95 Odyssey: $3,393.62 * Savings calculations were to see what it would have cost if I were still driving the '95 Odyssey instead of the Prius. I used 22 MPG summer, 20 MPG winter for the Odyssey though those numbers are general "if that's about what I got at the pump during the winter and summer I wasn't concerned". I'm sure the Odyssey's lifetime winter was lower since I would not have been concerned with a lower number when it was really cold out and wouldn't have considered it in the 'general health average'. Had I replaced the old Odyssey with a new one, it would have cost about the same amount to buy so I figure my "hybrid break even" time was 0 days and the $3,393 is ALL savings. The regular maintenance on the Odyssey was higher as well so that is an extra bonus.
Just. Sorry, just visiting. I can't stop here, not qualified. Hey, why does the rest of the world have to convert to US mpg when USA doesn't have to convert to L/100km?
Prius purchased 3/30/2007 Driftwood Pearl, I think #2 Total miles - last fill was 4546.7 Total gallons: 94.362 for a lifetime mpg of 48.2
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cary1952 @ Apr 20 2006, 05:40 PM) [snapback]242847[/snapback]</div> I don't keep precise records of every gallon purchased but I know that I have averaged approx. 50 miles per gallon over the 45000 miles I have driven in just over 2 years.