I have had truckers flash their high beams and honk when I am going the maximum speed limit (65mph) in the right lane of the New Jersey Turnpike. Everyone travels at 80 or 90 mph on the highways in New Jersey.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(frame2finishny @ Sep 6 2007, 10:06 PM) [snapback]508319[/snapback]</div> Yes, I have a few cases of people hating me in my Prius. Though, I haven't had any problems in a few months (and no, I don't 'hypermile', have offensive bumper stickers, or drive like an 80 year old man, I just drive sensibly and with traffic). I also live in Minnesota (home of Minnesota nice-to-your-face). Even though there are more than a handful of us who have complained of Prius-rage, most members who have no similar experiences will feel it necessary to place the blame on you. Perhaps not everyone here fully understands, but there is a significant part of America who hates the Prius and the percieved ultra-liberal drivers. There is a significant part of America who feel like Toyota is taking away their jobs and livelihoods, and there is a significant part of America who feels that their livelihoods are under attack by leftists. Combine that with the stresses of 'high' gas prices and congested streets, and yes, there are people that will honk and flip off Prii. It shouldn't be anything you worry about, but it does occasionally happen. I am sure there are people who similarly do such acts towards Hummers or other 'controversial' cars. For my specific story, see this: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=33433&hl=NRA
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusOwner004 @ Sep 7 2007, 07:10 AM) [snapback]508470[/snapback]</div> I live on Long Island and my job takes me all over the NY-NJ-CT Tri-state/NYC area.. The Prius is quite a common car around here and I haven't witnessed any Prius owner abuse. (The Prius also seems to be quite a popular NYC/NYS government fleet vehicle around here.) I'm sure there would be cases of Prius owner abuse if the owner deserved it, such as doing something boneheaded like trying to pulse-and-glide below 41mph in the leftmost lane on the LIE (that's the Long Island Expressway to non-New Yorkers). :lol: Drive-by shootings are kind of rare in NYC.. I thought that was more of an LA thing.
I haven't had any such issues at all. Most people around here seem genuinely impressed with the Prius. Perhaps your problem has something to do with the bridge you park your car under?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny Hamilton @ Sep 7 2007, 10:37 AM) [snapback]508564[/snapback]</div> It only takes one bonehood to spit on the car or flip off the driver.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarkMN @ Sep 7 2007, 10:43 AM) [snapback]508571[/snapback]</div> True. However, the original poster stated: "Ever since i got my prius i been curst at giving the middle finger had my car spit on and ect.." Unless they keep driving infront of the exact same "bonehood", that statement makes it sound like this is a common problem for them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny Hamilton @ Sep 7 2007, 11:07 AM) [snapback]508586[/snapback]</div> Yes, it is implied that there is a few occurences, but I don't think the OP implies that it is 'common' in the sense that it happens every day or every week. Nonetheless, it isn't uncommon to pass and drive alongside hundreds of cars in a single trip - there is a lot of chances to encounter a Prius-hater. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarkMN @ Sep 7 2007, 11:21 AM) [snapback]508602[/snapback]</div> Again, I agree with you. So: We are in agreement that it only takes one "bonehood" to spit on the car or flip off the driver. We are in agreement that the potential exists to possibly encounter multiple Prius-haters. We are in agreement that just because it hasn't happened to me doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people. And of course, while I can't definitively tell the original poster if it has happened to anyone else, I have answered the original posters question as far as my own personal experience allows: "Has this happend to anyone else" I haven't had any such issues at all. Most people around here seem genuinely impressed with the Prius. Perhaps your problem has something to do with the bridge you park your car under? I'm glad to see that we've got that all cleared up.
I get tailgated hoping the BMW will go around and when they do I get nasty looks but I don't care. I drove the same way before I got my Prius and I ain't a goin' to change. Now that I drive a Prius I think of the gas savings and don't care what these punk drivers think.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(frame2finishny @ Sep 6 2007, 10:06 PM) [snapback]508319[/snapback]</div> Not me. Hmmm, do you have a bumper sticker that says, "You suck gas!" or something like that?
Me neither. No bad looks or fingers flying. I do as Tony does, however. If I'm in traffic I go with the flow and my mileage suffers. I get sad but all other people on the road remain happy. It would be selfish to impair the moods of so many others just to retain my glee and MPG (notice my fancy rhyme). I did have a rather funny thing happen last weekend. My husband has never driven the Prius and whenever I'm trying to P&G he doesn't get it. Tells me to just drive the car and that it's not worth having to go through all that. It's ridiculous.... This past weekend I wasn't feeling well so he offered to drive. About 15 minutes into the drive he said he couldn't stop staring at the display and that he was getting aggravated that the mileage was dropping. It's like a video game, he went on. What can I do to right this wrong, he grumbled? And so on and so on. I was outwardly amused by this. He was going 35 in a 50 trying to get P&G down as people whizzed by. When I mentioned it he barked that he could care less. So I can say pretty certainly that I will experience a few fingers in short order.
I know some folks hate it when we jump to this conclusion, but I'm pretty much of the belief that this guy gets the reactions he gets b/c of his habitation under the bridge.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Sep 7 2007, 06:56 PM) [snapback]508803[/snapback]</div> Copycat. <_< I already indicated that possibility.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny Hamilton @ Sep 7 2007, 07:42 PM) [snapback]508817[/snapback]</div> sorry, I actually saw that and meant to include the words "as well"...it was actually exactly what I thought the moment it posted and hence my abrupt reply. This particular specimin doesn't even bother to check back in.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(frame2finishny @ Sep 6 2007, 10:06 PM) [snapback]508319[/snapback]</div> Nope. And I'd bet most of us Prius owners don't really give two hoots what other people think about us. I sure don't.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Inches @ Sep 7 2007, 12:22 PM) [snapback]508638[/snapback]</div> What a great attitude. With owners like that, no wonder you folks think people hate the Prius. I would suggest that the OP is one of the people who likes to drive in the left hand lanes on the freeway just under the speed limit while traffic flow is 5-10 miles per hour over. Not only is it dangerous to assume you have your "right" to drive as if you have been appointemt the speed monitor it could get you or someone else killed. Get over to the right lane and drive where other slower traffic is expected, but don't hold up people you don't even know with an "I could care less" attitude. That might be the inscription they put on your grave marker. To the poster who thinks people hate the Prius, that's a false statement. Most people are curious about them, but don't hate them. The problem I see is that many drivers of the Prius are driving like the former drivers of the Volkwagon Van on a steep hill. They have the driver's seat all the way forward, thick horned rim glasses on and are oblivious to the traffic jam behind them as they make their way to their destination while looking at the dash monitor to see if they can squeeze another mile per gallon out of it. Certain cars get reputations based on the people who are attracted to them and own them. It's up to the Prius owners to show they are courteous drivers, not stuffy people with their noses turned up at the world while they pulse and glide in the fast lane holding up traffic and killing the MPG and patience of every vehicle behind them. Be aware of the traffic around you. If you are going slow, get over. If a BMW is in your rear view mirror, get over. Here in LA, people get made when you are in their way. Mad enough to shoot you unfortunately. Yea, you have your rights...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(frame2finishny @ Sep 6 2007, 10:06 PM) [snapback]508319[/snapback]</div> i got asked yesterday sittin at a red light does my car have a big block in it by a couple of teenagers driving a big suv, i laughed and asked them "dont you only get like 9 MPG in that thing?" they responded "maybe 9 gallons per mile" and i laughed at them as the light turned green,no fingers yet but got keyed
Cars behind me hate me temporarily, then like me as we pass all the red light racers stuck sniffing each others fumes at the stop light, in the fast (really, cannot figure why they call it that?) lane.