We just bought a 07 Touring, and absolutely love it. Two quick questions for the more experienced masses: 1) While my forum search fu is fairly weak, I have read that the only way to have blutooth access to contacts and call logs while in motion involves cutting a wire. Is this the case at this point? I am not very tech savvy when it comes to hardware issues, and thought of cutting a wire makes me break out into hives. 2) We have driven the car about 180 miles so far, and the fuel gauge has not moved. At all. I know the mpg is very good, and I know that many cars have gas gauges that go down more quickly as you get to "E", but this seems strange. Any insights? Thanks in advance to the wise and experienced around here!
1) yes, cutting the speed sensor wire is the only known solution at this point. It's not a big deal, but I understand your anxiety about it. 2) 180 is pretty far, but it'll drop in a couple more miles...and you're correct in that the guage is not linear.
EarthFriendly, welcome to site and to the vagaries of the "guess gauge". The pips are not linear. Some go slowly, others go quickly. The only certainty is that when the last pip flashes you need to buy gas. Maybe you have 10 miles. Maybe you have 30 or more. It varies every tank. If you push too far and discharge the traction battery then you'll have to face the possibility of an expensive nonwarranty bill. BTW, expect 2 pips to vanish in no time.
As others have posted, you will see the pips start to go out. But enjoy the gas mileage - that is afterall probably one of the reasons you got the car, right?
Easter Egg Time.... Anybody wanna reset the fuel gauge inclination sensor? Make sure your fuel level is somewhere between 1/4 and 3/4, and temp should be about 70-90 F. Step 1: PARK ON A LEVEL SURFACE!!!! If you are on a slope you will reset the sensor to an incorrect level!! Step 2: Press the ODO/trip button to turn the odometer to trip A Step 3: Turn off the ignition and set the parking brake. Step 4: DO NOT STEP ON THE BRAKE PEDAL! AT ALL! IT ISN"T NEEDED FOR THIS PROCEDURE!! Step 5: Press and hold the ODO/trip button and press the Power button twice. Step 6: Release and press the ODO/trip button three times Release-Press-Release-Press-Release-Press and HOLD. The Odometer on the combo meter should now be showing the normal mileage, as you hold the ODO/trip button down, the reading should change. Something along the lines of 650D0 or similar. The actual figures don't really matter. Step 7: Release and press the ODO/trip botton once more and HOLD it in. The figure will change again. This time, only ONE digit will change. 650D0>65010 as an example. Don't be afraid to try it. Even if it doesn't work, you won't goof anything up. Try, try again. It sometimes takes a half dozen attempts before you get it work right the first couple of times you do it. This only needs to be done once in a while. I would recommend once every ten tanks or so. I usually only do it when a customer has a fuel gauge issue. Takes a bit of practice but it resets the ECU to try to be more accurate in it's estimation of your actual fuel level. GOOD LUCK!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bear68 @ Aug 30 2007, 06:23 PM) [snapback]504631[/snapback]</div> Bless you, bless you, and may every god, goddess, angel, faery, and happy sprite bless you. Mine has been SO off....
Keep in mind that you can access phone book entries while in motion without cutting wires, but it takes some advanced planning. You can add any entry to speed-dial, which allows access under way by pressing buttons on the MFD. You can also add voice tags, which allow the use of dial-by-name for voice activation. Tom
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bear68 @ Aug 30 2007, 09:23 PM) [snapback]504631[/snapback]</div> Bear, This is outstanding information! Actually my gauge has been very accurate (I don't mention it often on PC... I didn't want to rub it in.) Maybe my dealer knew enough to run this procedure before delivery. Or maybe I've just been lucky. Thanks for the great tip! This one definitely gets saved with my Prius "gotta know" info.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EarthFriendly @ Aug 26 2007, 07:05 PM) [snapback]502497[/snapback]</div> The most I drove on my first fillup before I lost a PIP is 220 miles. It is more exponential than linear lol. Hope this helps.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bear68 @ Aug 30 2007, 06:23 PM) [snapback]504631[/snapback]</div> Great piece of info. I've only been lurking for the past month or so, but I just had to thank you for this. There are others I still have to thank for info, but I'm waiting for new information on that. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bear68 @ Aug 30 2007, 09:23 PM) [snapback]504631[/snapback]</div> What differences has anyone who has done this noticed in your guage response? Specifics please, not simply "more accurate." PA P
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EarthFriendly @ Aug 26 2007, 05:05 PM) [snapback]502497[/snapback]</div> I found that on a totally full tank the gauge won't change until I use about 3 gallons (according to my scangauge) . I bet you will see the first pip disappear real soon, unless you are getting more than 60 MPG.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(narf @ Sep 2 2007, 09:09 PM) [snapback]506091[/snapback]</div> First of all, thanks for all of the insight on this. You will smile to know how right you were. The first pip disappeared within about ten miles of my initial posting on this topic (at about 190 miles). I wound up going 475 miles and filled up when I had two pips left with a total of 8.4 gallons. My mfd said that I had gone 48 mpg for the life of that tank of gas. Interstingly enough, I have driven less than two hundred milessince my fill-up, and the tank is half empty (or half full for all you optimists). Our mfd is indicating about 53 mpg so far this tank; so, there fore, I am not putting much stock in any of the numbers and thoroughly enjoying driving our Prius.
That's not an Easter egg. It's available to anyone who wants to pay for access to service information. The true Easter eggs are not documented in the RM. And I'm curious: given that no problems exist, why are you recommending that this procedure be done? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bear68 @ Aug 30 2007, 09:23 PM) [snapback]504631[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EarthFriendly @ Sep 6 2007, 06:48 PM) [snapback]508224[/snapback]</div> What that probably means is that you didn't get a full tank on your last fill. The fuel tank bladder has to fully expand to allow close to 11 gallons in the tank and when it's new or cold (or at a finicky gas pump) you may end up with a few less gallons in the tank than you think. I suspect that many of the complaints about the gauge not being accurate are more likely caused by the variable size of the tank bladder.