Thus far she has commanded me to: 1) Barrel through the barricades at the end of a dead end street. 2) Take a left exit on the interstate in the middle of an overpass. 3) Take a hard right at 50 mph into a field of cows (presumably they were interested in seeing a prius, or perhaps it was to take advantage of some hitherto unknown methane dual fuel capability). 4) Park in the neighbors driveway. So far I have resisted, but I am weakening. Reminds me of the process that happened after I got married
You are hilarious Tempus!!! I just can't seem to get her to shutup sometimes...she just keeps wanting me to make U turns...even after I've arrived at my she's a little behind reality. Les
Yes, she does that to me too. The first day she guided me to work, as soon as I got there she told me to make a U turn. I interpreted this to mean that I should either a) Go back home and take the day off, or B) Continue driving the Prius until the Nav Lady told me I could stop. Unfortunately, my boss disagreed.
she saved me today though in a blinding rain storm where i couldn't see the exit signs with a lovely "next right." i owe her an e-churro or something. -r
Sounds like you've got sort of a Dom/Sub kinda relationship going on with this gal...that can be OK as long as it's a mutual healthy relationship, but if one of you becomes bothered by it it's important that you share those feelings and consider changing the relationship! :wink:
The real test will come the first time my wife is riding along, and she and the Nav Lady disagree on which way to go. That should be an interesting contest.
Tempus, she knows what's best for you. You might as well go ahead and give in - you'll be with her for the next few years and she's going to eventually break you down. Oh wait, are we still talking about your marriage or the nav lady? :mrgreen:
My best instruction so far was driving down Pacific Coast Highway and a few miles from where I would need to make a turn, the Nav Lady has me exit, drive a mile up some road, do a U-turn, and then drive back to the highway and get back on where I got off. I think she was hoping to see some of those cows up there.
Her last (for now) bad direction to me was shorter: she told me to get off at an exit on I-20, and as I was slowing down on the off-ramp, I was told to continue on I-20. Maybe we should set routes, then turn off auto-reroute?...