Yeah, I'm coming up on decision time. Our Prius is just under 30K miles, and at the rate we're putting miles on it, we'll easily hit 36K before the end of the year. I have looked at several extended warranty threads, and I understand some (most?) of the reasons that people have for buying and for not buying. What I'd like to know is, has anyone used their extended warranty? Is there a way of finding out how often Prius extended warranties are used? I'm not concerned with relatively minor (under $100) repairs - if I look at the warranty as a kind of insurance policy, then I'm much more concerned about major repairs, and would consider money spent on minor stuff as the equivalent of a deductible. I assume that, with all the wonderful technology a Prius has, repairs could get costly. But is the Prius as dependable and durable as other Toyotas? And that gets me back to my question - has anyone out there used their extended warranty? Many thanks.
My sister had to have her cd player replaced, but I don't know what the cost would have been without the warranty.