There are many other things you can drive your car into other than cars containing other poeple. She deserves any vehicular manslaughter charges levied against her. I certainly can't condone suicide, in fact I refuse to talk to anyone who kills themself, but if that's what you want to do, leave everyone else out of it. I feel really sorry for that poor woman's family.
Being that it is Texas, she will be charged with capital murder, convicted in a trial and then be put to death by lethal injection. In the end, she'll get her wish, albeit delayed.
I seriously doubt it. I know we have a reputation for being kill-happy here but at most she'll get a few years - maybe 15-20 - probably psychiatric help.
How very sad. One family is destroyed because this lady wasn't even smart enough to drive into something bigger than her Explorer. If she had to do a head on, couldn't she at least choose a Hummer? It's driver would have had a chance just based on the huge flat front end. Bridge abutments generally don't have much give. I imagine she'll be found quilty but get off on temporary insanity or something related.
On the very slim chance that this incredibly stupid woman ever got internet access in jail and decided to come here, might I suggest the following subtle hints for her next attempt: (I know I'm in a sense making light of this, but I truly am sickened by this story and need to do a little bit to try and lighten the mood of this topic)
what an idiot!! if she has major problems if she wants to take someone with her. if she really wanted to die, why not a brick wall or bridge abutment?
Okay, so suicide is a really depressing topic, but I thought I'd mention this. I've heard (don't ask me for a reference) that when women attempt suicide it is usually a cry for help, and they chose methods that are not guaranteed to work (like overdosing--if someone finds them, they can be taken the hospital and possibly saved). Men, on the other hand, attempt something that they can't be saved from (like a gun). I don't think it's necessarily a concious decision, maybe just something different in how brains work. But that could explain why she chose another car rather than a huge solid object. It was a tragic choice, and I'm sure she'll be wracked with guilt for her decision.
actually studies show that women who attempt suicide are 3 times more likely to be successful than men. however, men are much more likely to attempt suicide. (about 10 to 1)
So the follow up question is then--on what attempt are women more successful? Is it on the first attempt?
thats easy... the last one. i would think that the success?? by any one person would be considered by the number of attempts. iow, someone who attempted it 4 times and was successful would be less likely to succeed than someone who attempted it once and was successful.
Indeed. But, it almost goes without saying that she was clearly beyond the capacity for rational thought. What is truly terrifying is the fact that others like her are out there just sort of ticking.........
Not to minimize this but, in my younger days, I recall being in a few bars where the women were 3 times more likely to be men.
Something similar happened here last week. Someone parked on a level crossing and was hit by an intercity train at around 100mph. The driver of the car was killed. The train was derailed and destroyed, killing its driver and five others, and injuring many more. Link: The current supposition is that it was suicide. If so, it's rather depressing.
Perhaps Speed or Ken or USK can clarify this, but someone told me a very long time ago that in Japan, if someone commits suicide and damages property, the family of the deceased is required to pay for repairs. Also, I read a very long time ago that in Japan a common cause of death for men is drowning because they refuse to call for help. I'm asking if this is true because I don't know. Also, I wouldn't make this up; I know I have heard/seen/read these somewhere.
This almost happened to my boyfriend when he was a police officer. He was driving down the road one day and a truck pulled into his lane and attempted to hit him head on. Fortunately, he was able to pull off the road. A couple of weeks later the same guy, driving the same truck, had a single car "accident" and went head on into a tree. He finally got his wish, fortunately he didn't take anyone with him with his second try. Scary stuff.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tag\";p=\"49977)</div> Not to minimize this but, in my younger days, I recall being in a few bars where the women were 3 times more likely to be men. [/b][/quote] You used to live in New Orleans too?????
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(obiwan\";p=\"50625)</div> :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: Actually, no. North side of Chicago.