Prius Navigation System- It sucks.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Arizona Charlie, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Arizona Charlie

    Arizona Charlie New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
    San Francisco
    My navigation system cannot find its way to bring me to my own home. To test it I programmed it for my home address. Now this may seem like an excercise in futility since I know where I live and how to get there. Then I ran a test. Could it bring me to my home?

    The Nav screen led me to King street just South of my home and directs me go East [so far so good]. When I get one block away from my home it directs me to turn right onto Clay Street, [totally wrong] .

    My home is one block further down King street and in order to get to my home I must drive one block further East and then make a left turn onto Elm street.

    For grins I followed the directions given to me by the lady in the box. It eventually ran me around in circles. It could not bring me to my destination.

    I registered a complaint with Toyota, both the dealer and the Toyota USA, when I noticed this problem in May 2004. At that time I was given a complaint number by Toyota USA and told that a new Nav. CD would be ready in November. Well, it is now November and the local dealer is unaware of any update to the inefficient, inaccurate and confused Nav. system which came installed in the car.

    Those of us who purchased Package 9 paid lots of extra money for an accurate Nav. system. The dealer has admitted that the Nav. system is flawed. I will contact Toyota again this week and see what they plan to do to make things right.

    The inaccuracies built into the system are intolerable and there is no way I will pay one penny to Toyota to fix a problem endemic to their Nav. system.

    I know that an accurate Nav system is very important to some Pri drivers. Physicians on a house call, delivery persons, etc. and they need accuracy.

    I will keep everyone posted about the resolution of this problem.

    Perhaps the threat of a class action lawsuit will move them to fix this problem pronto.

    Arizona Charlie
  2. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    Give me a damn break...

    Class action lawsuit?

    I don't recall Toyota ever giving ANY promise of accuracy or reliability on the nav system, so you don't have a leg to stand on.

    Toyota gets the nav data from a 3rd party company, and infact, the entire nav system was built and designed by another company. Go bother them.

    (sick and tired of people running crying to lawyers, which is ALREADY slowing the advancement of technology until we're years behind the rest of the world. Toyota has already admitted that the reason they don't offer auto-park and other options available in the rest of the world is fear of lawsuits)

  3. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Indeed, I can understand someone getting a bit frustrated when the nav system doesn't work as one would expect, but hey nothing is perfect. At least you got close to your home. :)

    I agree with Dave on this:
    Only I don't think it's just the US that's getting behind, we're all (as in the whole world) suffering from this. Not only do people in the US start law suits, this plague is spreading to other parts of the world as well. :x
  4. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    other parts of the world try to emulate all the wonderful things we love about our country... i guess the bad goes along with the good.

    pretty soon half our GNP will be lawyers fees
  5. altaskier

    altaskier New Member

    May 15, 2004
    Long Island, New York
    Just to make sure, you have the nav system region set to correspond to where you live, right? My car arrived with the region set to be a different part of the country, and that seemed to affect the detail and accuracy of searching for addresses.
  6. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
  7. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    I'm afraid I have to agree with the OP more or less - except I wouldn't go for a lawsuit either (also agree it's a huge plague)

    My complaint though is the methodology used to determine address location by simply defining a range, beginning and endpoint. Unfortunately in reality this makes the midpoints VERY inaccurate in some locations (sometimes a few blocks off on long streets).

    My other challenge is the outdated nature of the V 3.1 disc in my car - here in AZ, it doesn't even know about recently completed freeways or offramps which make directions a bit more lengthy than necessary.

    I too contacted Toyota a while back and they also commented on an updated version (fix) being available "soon". However I have yet to see this available, and I'm skeptical on whether or not it will be free or at a reduced charge.
  8. flyingprius

    flyingprius New Member

    Jul 30, 2004
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Um yeah....
    I bought the navigation system knowing that it's not perfect. I use it for guiding me to the general vicinity of unfamiliar locations, finding certain businesses etc...

    Actually, we paid a lot of extra money for a navigation system, not an accurate one; I knew that when I bought it. Everytime you use the navigation system (everytime you start the car), you agree that you won't stare at the screen and YOU ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SYSTEM HAS INACCURACIES You agree that it's not 100% accurate! THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T SUE ANYONE
    You automatically forfiet your right to sue anyone whenever you use the system. If you are mad, feel free to buy an upgrade CD. Suing Toyota (who doesn't even make the navigation system) won't do anything.

    My experience is that although Honda/Acura's system is slightly better, Toyota uses by far one of the best navigation systems of any car in the U.S. It's better than BMW, VW/Audi , Mercedes-Benz, and Infinity/Nissan's system. I know the frustration of using the iDrive in my father's 7series BMW, the system is so difficult to use, he doesn't even use it; it doesn't label very many streets and it isn't touch-screen, but rather this spin wheel on the armrest. I worked at a VW dealership, the system in the Touareg and the Phaeton is devastatingly stupid and annoying to use. The MultiMedia Interface in the Audi A8 is no walk in the park either, you get my point.

    I would consider myself lucky to have this system, it was absolutely worth it when I travelled on a 4,500 mile roadtrip across the country, especially in rush hour traffic in Washington D.C. and Chicago; it knew all of the one way streets and freeway entrances...
    I love my Prius, and I won't be happier with any other car...
  9. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    now you all know why i didnt get the nav package and money had nothing to do with my decision.

    for one thing i was rather perturbed that Toyota bundled several desirable items around something that isnt.

    so you see sir, you are not paying all that much for the nav. it DOES come with quite a bit of other things too.

    my sister got a hand held setup for $299 that works pretty good (no errors noticed yet anyway but its still sure there are some somewheres)

    also if you have a laptop with Wifi, MS is coming out with software that will do the trick for about $60 or so. havent seen it yet and i trust MS only about half as far as i can spit. and obviously a laptop will not be as easy to operate while driving although voice control is available.
  10. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    MY..MY.. So soon we forget. :roll: We forget the days when all we had was a *free* (those days are long gone!) folded road map (Were you ever successful in re-folding those?) as our only navigation aid. Now we complain when the NAV system is a few hundred feet off.

    I find the NAV system mostly accurate and helpful. In addition it is in some ways an "Entertainment Center" when using the voice commands. We laugh out loud :lol: at some of the responses which seem radically unrelated to our verbal request. (We call our NAV system "Ernestine" after Lily Tomlin's character on "Laugh In"). At least I'm getting something for my tax dollars used to establish the GPS system.

    *I love this remarkable machine!*

    -Charles Suitt- Dallas TEXAS
  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I've got mixed feelings on this. For the most part I'm with Charles...maybe I'm easily impressed, but every time I've used the NAV it's gotten me 'in the neighborhood'. I had one time it took me a full 1.5 miles past a restraunt I was looking for, but it was a rural area, weird road, and if I hadn't been so focused on the stupid map screen I'd have seen the [large] restraunt as I drove past it while not paying attention outside!

    Every other time it's gotten me within visual range of my intended destination. There are a few roads it doesn't show and I'd imagine that'll piss me off a bit one day. But I understand how amazing it is to have so much data on one little disk already.

    Perhaps with these new generation computer disks that hold 50+MB of data we'll be able to start listing every individual house's exact GPS coordinates along with every other possible destination and the world will be a happy place. As it is I'm impressed that they have as much info on one little disk as they do.

    I do agree that it is complete BS that they charge $300 for an update disk. They have to make the disks anyway. It costs only pennies to actually burn a new one, and at $300 a pop for the upgrades they must not sell hardly any.

    If they sold them for $49.95 each many of us would upgrade yearly, they'd make $45+ on each disk sold, they'd sell thousands of them and surely make more money than they currently do selling at $300 each....I'm no business expert, but it seems dang simple to me. I think most people would be willing to pay that much for a licensed copy than to illegally burn one. But at $300 the temptation to pirate is pretty great, esp. since there's virtually no way to get caught unless Denso sends agents to your house with warrants to search your NAV computer.

    Doesn't make it the right thing to do, but it makes it safe and easy and cheap.
  12. GeoffM

    GeoffM Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Been there, done that! You really have to remember not to surrender your common sense and innate sense of direction just because you have a nav system. I've kicked myslef more than once for trusting the nav system more than my own instincts.

  13. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    I do not know. If it becomes so widespread that Denso starts carping to Toyota about it, look out when you take your car in for any kind of service.......checking for a pirated DVD could wind up being standard procedure at Toyota dealers.
  14. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    just a thought, any other company using the Denso system? might be able to get a copy that works from some other company cheaper than Toyota. Can't believer that a lot of the info isn't in ROM memory in the nav computer. How about a Nissan Murano with nav, their big users of Denso.
  15. BobA

    BobA New Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Denver CO
    2004 Prius
    Don't you all still fight indians in Arizona????? Charlie if you know where you live then why do you need the lady in the BOX to tell you how to get home.... use the NAV for other things... or just have fun with it... you can also MARK your house and work the problem out that way... I really think the call to Toyota was not worth the dime.... JUST ME!!!!

    Bob Andersen
  16. macreative

    macreative New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Los Angeles, California
    A Class action lawsuit to threaten the worlds 2nd largest automotive manufacturer. C'mon, that's just stupid. I wouldn't get your panties in a ruffle.

    I have version 4.23 in my 2005 and it hasn't gotten me lost yet, I use it every single day.

    Why on earth would Toyota listen to a Prius owner threatening a lawsuit, when the manual warns that you should perform a "reality check" before depending on the system. You sound like you belong in California where everyone is sue happy :)

    Why wouldn't you just be glad that the Prius is a fantastic car rather than dwell on electronic setbacks, which are well documented and caveat' in the manual ?
  17. roger

    roger New Member

    Aug 22, 2004
    2010 Prius
    Well, mine takes me to right outside any address I choose. it seems accurate to about 6 feet, as when I get to the middle of an intersection, the tip of the triangle is dead in the middle of that road. and when I'm about 6 houses away from an address, it always tells me "your destination is ahead on the right/left hand side. and then when I get there, "you have arrived at your destination. The route guidance has now finished"

    Don't have one complaint.
  18. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Nav system to me is wonderful. But then I have used Garmin for
    years, and know what to expect in a Nav system. They are
    not perfect and they make mistakes.

    But they are pretty darn good.

    Being able to push a button and tell current street address is worth
    the price of admission, all by itself.

  19. macreative

    macreative New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Los Angeles, California
    Amen! I love the system. Do you also have an '05? I have no complaints with this car! Very satisifed :)
  20. roger

    roger New Member

    Aug 22, 2004
    2010 Prius
    yes.. made in September