I rescued an orange cat once. Named him Tibet and then found him a home. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow http://www.presidentsrock.com/lyrics/kitty.php
I wanna cat avatar! The one of my cat in the sink that makes everyone think he is weird . I just can't get my pictures so that they are under the 6 kb limit yet large enough to see (I tried Evan's tips that are posted in some thread, but the smallest I can get is maybe 80 kb). The other picture I want as my avatar is a picture we took of a dolphin jumping out of the water in the wild. We even have a shot of me with the dolphin jumping in the background (the magic of digital cameras). It's part of our collection of us posing with various animals in the wild.
Thanks for the tip. Wow, everyone here is so helpful. In a matter of minutes after begging for a cat avatar, I had two different offers to do the resizing for me (thanks Bruce and Dan!). I should have known that my laziness and frustration with Photoshop would pay off .
Here is another cat. [Broken External Image]:http://www.juansolo.demon.co.uk/Avatars/helmet.jpg Not my picture, nor on my site, so this may disapear in time.
I've never started a fad before, but I believe that I was the first on Prius Chat to use a cat avatar. This particular picture was emailed to me by a friend and email pen pal in Spain. It's his cat. Sadly, I'm in a no-pets apartment right now. But it's so perfect in every other respect that I stay. I'm also quite certain that during my stay at Sandstone FCI I was the only person there to have pin-ups of cats instead of women. Perhaps the only person in their history, though I won't assert that categorically. It's not that I don't like women. I do. But under the circumstances, pictures of women were rather disturbing, whereas I found pictures of cats to be soothing.
Happened to see this thread and since we're in 'Fred's' and it's a cat topic, I wanted to share these. Oh yeah... They're prob like a PG-PG13 so... Nothing BAD but I know someone will prob freak if there isn't SOME kind of "warning" Enjoy! ... or ignore...
I saw that melon head kitty yesterday on fark! It's sooo cute. I'm planning on making little organic helmets for my kitties, too!
LOL organic helmets! I bet our kitty Tiny (my avatar kitty) would love to put his head inside a makeshift melon helmet and let me snap a photo Although alas, I think I am going to try to change my cat avatar to Abby, our "Orange Smoothie" who passed away last Wednesday at the age of 15 1/2. I just hope I have a suitable picture of her by herself. How sad to think that I never think to take more pictures of my kitties until it's too late.
I like all the other cat avatars on here. Still, this accidental picture of my daughter's cat "Phuz", wins. :mrgreen: Is he singing? Is he laughing? Is he bored?
Yay! I have a cat avatar now too. I think I will distribute my points, which I've somehow accrued many of: priusham, for starting this thread daniel, for starting the cat avatars bruce, for resizing my avatar dan, for offering to resize my avatar months ago though I forgot. 25 points each.
Oh, wait, I forgot, heliotropehead gets 25 points too for the saving for web tip (that came in handy too). Alas, unless I can go negative, I have very few points left to give.
Very nice of you to give me those points Betsy, but I really can't take compesation for my small effort. The Points tax collectors will find out I've been hoarding and have WAY more than my share! I'll ship you come back, with interest
<--- And here's Harry! Not the best picture, but you get the idea. He lived to be 19 years old. Such a sweet guy, and very talkative too. He slept on top of my face at night. (can you say "alergy attack"?) I miss him so much. Brad: those pics rock! :lol: :mrgreen:
Thanks star. Surprised no one else responded about them even if it was to ask what my problem is or to tell me that I'm sick. lol