Delivery time/Dealer experience in Cleveland, OH area

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by sjb123, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. sjb123

    sjb123 New Member

    Nov 2, 2004
    I'm beginning to get an uneasy feeling...

    I placed an order for a '05 Prius BI about a month ago at a dealer in the Cleveland, OH area. They required a non-refundable deposit of $1,000 and the salesman quoted me a waiting period of about 6 months and (only when I asked) stated that I was #7 on their wait list.

    Since then, I've found this forum and am beginning to wonder if the statements from the dealer are accurate...especially since so much of what I've seen in the archives show people waiting longer and state that most dealers do not require a non-refundable deposit.

    Should I trust what the dealer is telling me?

    Anyone else out there currently waiting in the Cleveland area?

    Care to share any experiences?
  2. Pixie

    Pixie New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Madison, WI
    Ordinarily, I'd say a non-refundable deposit sounds very fishy. However, it may very well have something to do with the part of the country in which you live.

    Distribution varies by popularity. If there is so little demand for the Prius in your area that your dealership is only getting one a month, then that time estimate sounds pretty accurate. It may also account for the non-refundable nature of the deposit if they fear not being able to sell the car if you change your mind before the purchase.

    Still, I'd talk to his boss. Keep going up the chain until you get an answer that makes you comfortable. Make them explain it to you. If, after all that, you still think the dealer is being shady, report him.
  3. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I don't know that there is anything not to trust, but by forcing the big non-refundable deposit, they limit your options to 1 - them. I hope this is MSRP. If not, they are definately sticking you if they expect you to wait 6 months to boot. It would be helpful for you to know what packages they get in and in what quantities. Also, are your requirements tight or loose, ie only this color and that package, or a range? The tighter they are, the longer you will likely wait unless you want a common combination and the other people don't.
  4. marcsbike

    marcsbike Junior Member

    Oct 13, 2004

    I live in the Cleveland area (eastside) and put in an order for a 2005 millenium silver BC (#9) package in early June at Metrocars Toyota on Mayfield avenue. I put down a $500 *refundable* deposit and I was told that I could expect up to a year wait...but after only 5 months I got a call that my baby was on the way from LA!! Yeeehaw!!

    Needless to say, I was thoroughly excited and now I am enjoying my new Prius. My experience at Metrocars was nothing less than wonderful in every respect. I heartily endorse their professional and caring manner (ask for Joannie Westphal!).

  5. er1c

    er1c New Member

    Oct 17, 2004
    Cleveland, OH
    oh god, don't get me started on Cleveland Toyota dealerships :guns:

    Before the '04 came out, I went to Metro Toyota on Brookpark. Was put on a waiting list with no questions asked and no deposit required. (I'll hold back the sales-weenie's name for now). Time went by and got several calls from said weenie with product updates etc. When the car finally hit the dealership, I went there to check out the car and guess what? I was no longer on the list, nor did he or anyone there recall ever talking with me! Fast forward until 2 months ago. Went to Brunswick Toyota and was told 24-36 month wait. Deposit of $1000 (refundable) required. Went to back to Metro Toyota to see what they would say and was told 24 month wait, $2000 non refundable deposit required.

    Moral of the Story; Expand your horizons. I went to Casper Toyota in Sandusky and received my Driftwood Peral in less than 4 weeks!!
  6. montolchik

    montolchik New Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Mentor, Ohio
    I visited Classic Toyota of Mentor the week the '04 Prius came out. A week later, they had a black #1 available for test drives. I test drove the Prius that Saturday and put down a $500 refundable deposit the following Monday. This was the last week of October 2004 and I was able to recieve my '04 Tideland (second color choice) #9 on Dec. 9th, 2004. I've had dealings in the past with both Metro and Motorcars in the Cleveland area. The service I have received from Classic far outweighs what I have gotten from the other two dealers.