Hi all, I have done a search on all of the forums and cannot figure this out. I took delivery of a 2005 Tideland Pearl #5 on Friday and love it, but everyone I have shown the car to has asked me what the circle in the front bumper is for. I is 1.5-2 inches in diameter, on the driver's side, and looks like it could be pulled out/off... what the heck is it?
There's a towing eyelet that screws in there for emergency towing...the eyelet is back by the spare. This is covered in your owner's manual.
What I want to know is: How do you get it out without dinging the bumper paint? There is NO way to push it from the back because you can't get your hand anywhere near it. I can imagine some tow truck operator ripping it out with a big screwdriver and damaging both the plug and the bumper. I kind of wish the dealer hadn't put it in before I picked up the car so I could see how it attaches to the bumper.
I thought that was where the cord comes out so I can plug it in and charge the batteries. I keep waiting for them to get low, but every time I check, they're always about in the middle. (Hell yeah, I'm kidding) :-D
Tony don't write that stuff someone will look all over for the plug.... my question is if you (can) remove the cover... will it stay in if you replace it... or will you have to buy a new bumper.. Bob Andersen ssmithri, Congrats on being one of the newest in the group
My dealer told me the eyelet covers a small anchor that was used to secure the Prius on the boat over from Japan.... (I have no idea if this is true?)
I don't know for sure, but I would say at LEAST that if it is true, it is not the only attachment they used. I haven't looked under the Prius, but my 'built in Japan' Odyssey had 4 tie down loops. 1 attachment point would result in cars slamming all over the place! I doubt they used the front bumper towing eye as an attachment point but might have used it to pull the car into position.
Tony I thought ur joke was funny! On another forun somebody was complaining that the engine quit everytime they came to a stop.
OK...so I pry it our...put the eye in and pull the Prius around... NOW I want to put the cover back in place...how do I do that??? Bob Andersen
Can you snap it back on? I haven't tried but I'm sure the owner's manual said you could. I remember reading it in both the Prius and the Camry manuals
Maybe I'll drop by the dealer's, with screwdriver and cloth.. remove the one on their DEMO... if it just snaps back in easily... I'll hang a short wire with a big plug on my car... I bought a REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT flag just for this purpose... I'll take pictures...haha Bob Andersen
That's like a book and it has to be read... I usually try just pushing buttons, turning things, trial and LOTS of error....