Just got our '05 Prius delivered last Wed. (after ordering last Dec.) and first tank was 412 miles on about 9 gallons for actual average of 42.2 MPG. Vehicle had tracked MPG at about 46. Driving was 80% highway and 20% city.
Nathan, you've picked a horrible day for your first post. :-D This being the first day after the elections and all. But let me be the first to congratulate you on your new baby and welcome you to PriusChat. I was going to say that the 46 seemed a little low, but the 80% highway bit my tongue. In time, you will see that figure creep up. Then again, with the Winter months approaching, the cold weather will certainly affect your mileage. Actually, this might be the best time to learn how to maximize the hybrid system so that in the Summer it will be all that much better. If you have not already, do yourself a favor and read Dr. Evan's document "Why am I Not Achieving the EPA Mileage?" or something like that. Here's a link: http://priuschat.com/forums/-kb-quotwhy-do...uot-vt4980.html Kick back, join the chat, ask a ton of questions and field the ones you know. All in all, have fun and welcome, again, to the Cult of the Prius. :wave:
Gratz on your new car! And like Tony said, mileage will improve, perhaps not during the winter, but coming spring you'll see a great improvement for sure!
I've had my prius for 2 weeks now and have filled up once. First tank was 46.5MPG. My second tank shows about 51MPG on the MFD. Looks like things are picking up. I drive 1/2 to 2/3 highway. The wait was soooooooooooo worth it! :lol:
'05 received 1.5 weeks ago. First tank 475 miles, 48.7 mpg (dealer filled the tank). Second tank 555 mi, 55.5 mpg. What is the pay back time on a Prius? Immediate.
Our first tank was 50.2mpg Second tank around 50 as well. All city and city freeways -totally flat ground. No complaining about mpg. One thing I don't understand (at around 900mi odo) is why the engine kicks even when not moving. The battery is always above 50% bars, sometimes even a green bar - but in every case the engine starts up just after powering up car. No A/C, no lights, no radio. I liked at the dealer how one could start car and silently leave a parking spot or even parking lot. Also when cruise control is set say at 35mph on totally flat ground it seems to toggle rapidly between charge battery and dischage, with engine on all the time. Al
The car is designed to ALWAYS start 7 seconds after power up. It can be delayed if you install an EV Button. This was originally done so that people would get the start up they are acustom to with regular cars. The other purpose is to get the catalytic converter and other emissions control systems properly warmed up. If the car senses that those systems are getting cold it may start up the ICE to rewarm the catalysts to something above thier nominal 400 degrees.
Weird. My second fill up, I was only able to put about 8 gallons in the tank, and this was after attempting to "top off" about 10 times. When I filled up the first time, I put over 9 gallons in with no problems. I think I've seen where other people have noticed this, and there was some discussion of a gas tank "bladder." Problem is, can I really make MPG calculations if the pump or tank is inconsistent with how much it lets me put in. Can I ever really be sure that the pump will stop at the reasonably same tank level every time? By the way, I filled it at exactly the same time both times: within about 10 miles of the last bar on the tank level starting to blink.
Picked up my new toy on 10/21/04. It now has 582 miles on it. First tank the computer said 48.4 MPG. The actual was closer to 44.6 MPG when I did the math after a fill-up. Most of that 582 was highway miles. (75%HWY; 25% City). Not bad right out of the box. I expect to beat the EPA sticker shortly.
Yes, BUT! Who says the tank was TOTALLY full when you got the car??? I think the computer AVG IS accurate, for the number of gallons you USED. That does not necessarily equate to how much you can put in.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I am currently almost through the second tank of gas at the 583 miles. So the computer is almost correct, its about 2-3 mpg off from the actual mipg.