<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Washington1788 @ Aug 20 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]499321[/snapback]</div> Is he in it as Ron Mexico?
I'm glad the goverment is making an example out of him. That sport superstars are involved in something (as barbaric as) dog torture is revolting to me. I'm surprised how much a person is willing to gamble his career and multi million dollar contracts to get street cred. Vic's career is over, NFL will not let him back in. I'm sure he can find other minor leagues to play in but his reputation is for ever tarnished and even if a NFL team would want him, all sponsors would pull out as they can't touch him with a 6-foot pole. I know that I would out of principle stop buying any product associated with him (and I normally pay little attention). So Vic has become his own worst problem. I hope he think living the street life and getting street cred was worth it! He could have had millions in the bank through contracts and sponorships. Instead he will be forgotten and, if he's lucky, he can play in "arena football' (though I'm not sure even they want him). Hopefully this will get the attention of any other sport people involved (I doubt Vic is the only one) and they will pull out of RIGHT NOW. This in turn can hopefully start of the end of dog fighting as something "cool" to do and it will start to fade. Allowing pit-bulls to become the family dogs that they once where! As an owner of two German Shepherd that I see as my kids I'm appalled at the idea of teaching a dog to fight. Dogs are very sensitive/social/intelligent creatures that will do almost anything to "fit in" a pack. To use that to teach them to fight is barbaric and shows a severe lack om empathy.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SomervillePrius @ Aug 20 2007, 03:38 PM) [snapback]499351[/snapback]</div> I agree and hope you're right!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Washington1788 @ Aug 20 2007, 04:48 PM) [snapback]499357[/snapback]</div> I agree as well. I had to put my dog down in January and she was my best friend for 15 years.... they are lovable and only want to be a part of the family, nothing more.
His career in the NFL is over. He lied to Roger Goodell. Not good. Plus much of what he is pleading guilty to is gambling related. He doesn't have to be convicted of gambling at Fed or State level for NFL to drop him permanently. Foolish, foolish man. He may be recommended 12-18 months in prison but that doesn't mean he'll serve. He could get suspended with a big honkin' fine. But then there's the State charges to deal with. Personally, I'd like to see him in prison for a lot longer, fined until he's dirt poor, and of course sentenced to a lifetime forbidden to have any type of pet whatsoever. It's clear the man has no value for life. Too bad they can't neuter him to make sure he doesn't have any kids. And if he has any now...take them away. He's guilty of a lot more than he pleaded to. "...the 27-year-old quarterback participated in executing at least eight underperforming dogs by various means, including drowning and hanging." Perhaps Mr. Vick feels that's the tack they should take with underperforming NFL stars?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tekn0wledg @ Aug 20 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]499252[/snapback]</div> I agree with you to a large extent. I have a question for you and others here - What would you think the appropriate penalty would be for the following: 1. Pre-Meditated Murder 2. Vehicular Murder associated with drunk driving 3. Child abuse - 1st conviction, 2nd conviction 4. Pedophilia My opinion of what should happen to mr vick: 1. 2 years in jail minimum, no more than 4 years 2. an additional 50 to 100% in terms of years of banishment from playing in the NFL to be served after his jail time is served (a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 8 years of not playing in the NFL). If Mr. Goodell wants to permanently ban him - fine. I also STRONGLY believe other NFL players were involved or knew of his involvement in dog fighting and betting - I would investigate this further.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(NYPrius1 @ Aug 20 2007, 03:07 PM) [snapback]499264[/snapback]</div> Supposedly, the 'legitimate' reason for pit bull terriers is as a poor-man's security system, eclipsing other formerly popular fierce breeds as dobermans and rottweilers previously used for the same purpose. In that regard, it would certainly seem to give many thieves a reason to pause before breaking-and-entering into an inner-city, urban domicile they knew (or had reason to believe) was protected by a pit bull.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Aug 21 2007, 07:55 AM) [snapback]499661[/snapback]</div> 1. Death penalty under most circumstances [excluding situations of abuse where a parent is harming a child and the child in turns kills the parent; not that it's right, but it's certainly not the child's fault] 2. Life in prison, no parole. Keep them off the streets. 3. 1st: 5 years; 2nd: 20 years and permanent restraining order 4. This needs to be defined more. If you were to say child molestation, I would say 20 years. Pedophilia itself, 5 years and extensive rehabilitation with a licensed professional.
Vick isn't getting a hanging judge but he's not getting off either. Looks like he's drawn a "tough but fair" judge. Who owns a bischon frise. LOL. Karmadeggon. Vick to face "tough but fair" judge. "Tough but fair" is the description most often heard from lawyers who appear before Hudson, who owns a bichon frise dog and declined to be interviewed. "He's a good trial judge, but on sentencing he tends to be in the middle or upper range of the sentencing guidelines," said attorney Murray Janus. "A lot of judges start at the low end. Not Judge Hudson."