Date Ordered: 2/12/04 Dealer Ordered From: Traverse Motors, Traverse City, MI Timeframe given for delivery: July Color: Red, but not fussy Option Package: #4(AG) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Started at 9, now maybe 4. I don't understand the vast differences I have read in the forum about wait times. I thought car companies received orders from dealers and built cars in that order. Does it depend on where you order the car or who you know? Does Toyota just build any damn car it wants and see who it can get to buy it? I have been offered a car with a #9 package, but I don't need nine speakers, I already have a GPS, I hate all those air bags (small bombs) and despise the high-intensity headlights, so I didn't see any reason to pay $5,000 for stuff I didn't even want. When should I give up and buy a Honda?
I think you may right in the Toyota allotment process. It seem that Toyota builds a lot of cars and somehow they get allotted to various dealers while on the way to the port. I don't think there is "Order it-Build it" process. Your district manager tries to allocate the cars to the dealers to cover the orders as best he can. I have been waiting since January for my Silver BC. It arrived at the port last Saturday and should be here on Wednesday. Since you've waited this long, why not give it a few more weeks and see what happens. I think the big rush may be about over. Your dealer may be able to trade with another dealer close by to get your exact car. I would suggest that to him. Good luck!
Benevento, You started at #9 in February, and are now only #4? I think that's pretty suspicious. If I were you, I'd do two things: Is the AG options package (now package #2 for 2005 models) one of the packages that is normally shipped to your area? For instance, the Pacific Northwest only gets 2005 packages #1,#4,#5 and #6. (You can find this information out by going to the Toyota Prius web page and follow the "Build Your Own Prius" exercise.) If the AG package is not one of the Prius packages in your area, that could explain the extended delay -- and probably means you're going to be waiting a lot longer. As I understand it, if a package isn't available in your area, your pretty much out of luck (unless your dealer wants to try trading another Prii with a regional dealership that does get that model in -- a lot of work, and there's little motivation to do that right now.) Ask your dealer how many Prii they're getting a month. They'd have to be getting a very small number for a wait this long (unless, again, the AG package isn't offered in MI.) You've been waiting this long -- I think the dealership owes you some answers. You also have the option of calling around and trying to find what you're looking for in nearby cities (or states). Production really is up, and the wait out of the gate is a lot shorter than it was for those of us who ordered in the Spring of this year.
Toyota does seem to have the option to order the car that you want. I think in the normal case one would do this and wait a month or so instead of taking what is on the lot. But with the Prius, it's a different ballgame with the high demand. One ends up waiting for allotted cars as well. My big question with that is, if you have to wait, why can't they just put in the order for exactly what people want anyway? I think it might have to do with Toyota simply isn't set up to do that on a regular basis. Until now their cars weren't the type people waited months for. Anyway, I went and put in a specific order of a package they don't get in there normal allotment in this region. (the 'AM' package) The dealer said they could do it. I figured it would add a little wait, but hey, what's another month to 18 or so? The other thing it will be interesting to see for sure if the dealer can get something that's not allotted in their region. I figure that's what the special order is there for in the first place. You might want to try and put your name in a couple of dealers to increase your options. Some have had very good success with this.
Norman, It is, indeed, unfortunate that Toyota isn't taking actual orders. A lot of people have taken a Prius that was not their prefered package and/or color. It really shouldn't be that way. As is happens, those that are interested in the car find it so superior to anything else they would purchase, they do the compromise thing. I suspect if there was some big pool where people could post "my xxxx is coming in next week but I wanted yyy and you could swap, there would be a lot of it going on. The AG package is not listed in the Traverse City MI zip code. Only BI, AM and BC. The AG is the ONLY package that doesn't have them (which you probably already knew). Unless you are willing to wait a long time, or your dealer is willing to do the work to trade with another dealer in a different region, I think you are out of luck. I would suggest picking out zip codes that are within your acceptable travel distance and find a region that has the AG. Maybe your dealer could/would even tell you that but I don't know. Then you can hunt up dealerships. Skip the big city dealers since they have the largest base of buyers, thus the longest lists. Don't list with anyone asking over MSRP, it isn't necessary. My $0.02
Thanks for all the feedback and advice. I checked with the dealer as Jeff suggested, and actually I am #3 on the list (after 9 months). Bruce is right, only #3(BI), #4(AM) and #6(BC) are available in Traverse City. I don't really care about the old AG package so much, as I just don't want #6(BC) with 9 speakers and a bunch of other useless junk at $5,000 more. However, I just got a call from the dealer. A red Prius came in, with package #6(BC) (which they say is the only kind they have been receiving) at $26,695. He says there is no chance of getting any other package (BI or AM, forget about AG). #1 on the list wants silver, and #2 bought something else, so I can have it if I want it. I feel used and abused by Toyota, but it looks like I either have to take it or go buy something else. Should I eat the $5,000 and take it? Whaddaya think?
I think the same thing I thought in my prior post Look around for a region that does sell the AG. You said you didn't want the side air bags, NAV nor HID. At least SEE if anyone close enough for you sells them. $5K is a lot of money if you are only getting things you don't want. NEVER! Inferior design, you will not be nearly as happy ;-)
Bruce, I did as you suggested and called some down-state (big city) dealers. They all told me basically the same thing, "If you had ordered from us a year ago, you'd have the package you wanted. But if you order now, it will be 3-4 months, with no guarantee." My understanding from all this is that Toyota gets orders and builds cars with certain options for a month or two. This month, it must be the BC option. One dealer told me that if I had a chance to buy a Prius, I should buy it and I could re-sell it on E-Bay for thousands more than I paid for it, and then re-order the car I wanted. Anyway, I looked at the red Prius with the BC option, and it looked pretty good. I notice, Bruce, that you have a BC option. Do you like the features? What does the comment "second tank" mean? In any case, I'm taking delivery tomorrow. I'd rather have a Prius with a few features I don't want than wait any longer. PS: Bruce is also right about the Honda. I checked it out and I would never be happy with it, compared to the Prius.
Just to finish the story, I picked up my new Prius today. The salesman explained all the BC features, and I'm actually quite happy with the BC package, even at the added cost. I'm a gadget guy, but even my practical wife was pleased with the features and not too concerned about the cost. Anyway, I'm just happy to have a Prius. Now I just have to read the manual and figure out all the buttons and features. PS to Bruce: Sorry for the stupid question about your "second tank." I thought you meant you added a tank to your car, but now that your "tag line" mentions a third tank, I understand that you are just referring to a tank of gas! Duh!