An unrepentent smoker here... feel free to take your best shot, no problem.... they are coming after fat people next.... I've noticed that the prius out of all the sedans i have ever owned in 50 years of driving has a unique tendency to spread cigarette ashes throughout the vehicle? No matter what technique i use, how controlled i am in my smoking process... ash flakes seemingly go everywhere. Way-Way-Way beyond the norm of any other sedan i've ever driven.... I've got an aftermarket ashtray with a snap lid, obviously made by slave labor somewhere, that my wife purchased for me...and have those window rain guards things installed allowing for controlled smoker venting...God I miss wing windows from the 60's..... ---still ash flakes blow everywhere...and i do not notice this ash vortex when it occurs.. My personal thought experiment on this issue has led me to believe that the exterior aero efficiency of the Prius is the cause of this somehow? I know there are smokers out there---especially those "claim to have quit, cheaters" am i imagining this? Froley
Try putting the other end of the cigarette in your mouth. That should solve your two problems. Never would I consider giving a smoker advice on how to make life easier to smoke . . . unless it were, "get that thing away from me before I shove it down your throat." Stop abusing your Prius . . . your disgusting habit can't be good for its health either.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 19 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]498675[/snapback]</div> Brilliant!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 19 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]498675[/snapback]</div> That's a good one----- Froley
It still surprises me that with all the knowledge out there regarding how bad inhaling a burning weed is to ones health, people are still foolish enough to do it. I used to smoke until I felt its effects on my health. Threw away a nearly full pack and havent looked back. Now when I am any where near some fool I notice how bad they smell from 20 feet away. I never noticed the stench until after I quit. Its a foolish thing to do, if you do, make sure your windows are rolled up tight so others dont have to smell that crap, and for the sake of the environment, keep your damned butts and ashes inside the car.
OK. Go ahead and beat us old bastards up if you want, but Froley I understand your concern. I have quit five times. But still go back to it. But he's asking a question that deserves an answer. And I have noticed the same thing. Maybe it is the aerodynamics? Interesting theory. We all have our vices. Froley you're not alone.
Well , I have quit has been 5 yrs now but also on oxygen, so the best I can tell you is don't smoke while driving.. And as for being fat, yes I am now since being on o2 makes doing everything harder I smoked 2-3 packs a day for 30 yrs. How stupid I was. Now I think all cigs should be outlawed, just like a good joint was back in the day!!! I guess I inhaled that too
Yes, I think it's the aerodynamics of the car if you've got the windows cracked, even with those window guards. Solution? Don't smoke in your car. Ultimate solution? Don't smoke. BTW, resale value on your car is gonna suck.
Try drinking in your Prius. Nice little drink holder in the console which accomodates a beer bottle or can just fine.
I'll leave my usual diatribe on smoking out of this thread and simply answer your quest. :/ If you are driving with the front windows down while smoking, try rolling down the rear windows just a few inches. I do this to keep paper work from flying around and it seems to reduce in-cabin turbulance quite a bit.
I just like the idea that the Prius does not come wth an ashtray or lighter - first car that I have seen where these pro-smoker facilities do not exist. Obvoiusly Toyota are getting on the smoking is bad bandwagon, and have built in a few hidden facts to encourage you to give up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Neicy @ Aug 19 2007, 10:58 AM) [snapback]498694[/snapback]</div> Thanks Neicy I'm glad someone else noticed this circumstance.. it let's me know i'm not making an "ash" out of myself whilst driving. Thanks to F8L about lowering the back window slightly I'll give that a try... Thanks to Godiva---i was hoping someone else might think it was the unique shape of the car. Thanks to priussoris i also used to inhale and been thinking about trying that again since i am now an old boomer--but since record albums are gone how do they roll em?--- Thanks to ACD i was taught to shred my smoke and pocket my butt and never lost the habit. Thanks to IndyDoug but....i'm disorientated enough Froley
Our Holden Commodores I have to drive for work haven't had ash trays fitted in the factory for the last 7 years. To solve the ash getting blown around in the car, pull to the side of the road, get out of the car then if you really must, smoke on the road shoulder. :huh: Another way, treat your car like a passenger plane, wait till you get where you are going then smoke outside there while people point and stare at you wondering why your life is so bad you want to shorten it. Your Prius respects your choices, if you want to cover yourself with filth and tar it will gladly help the process. When you get to your destination you look like a lamington. That's cool. You invited me to have a shot, sorry my effort is poor, I have to go to work now.
Even in my pre-Prius days as driver, I rarely if ever would light up a cig in the car. I was never coordinated enough to smoke and drive simultaneously. The last time I tried smoking while driving, I ended up setting the center console on fire.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Aug 19 2007, 05:07 PM) [snapback]498869[/snapback]</div> * lamington noun:- An Australian delicacy, made from sponge cake cut into squares, and covered in chocolate and coconut. Wow. I just may have to take up smoking. I LOOOVE lamingtons. :lol:
While I have cancer, and never smoked, I tend to think this is another area where supposedly bright humans should not try to tell others, what to do with their life. If one wants to smoke, so what. If one wants to drink too many Cokes, so what. Both can kill you. Sure, second hand smoke is horrible, and so far no one has died from second hand Coke, but still, when did it become socially acceptable to tell someone they would shove something down another person's throat? Isn't that a violent reaction? Isn't that not treating others as we would wish to be treated ? Doesn't that, in the long run, shorten your karma, and maybe your life? Just saying. And I also would like to go on record by saying that I really don't like it when others pollute the air or the earth, with cigarettes butts or smoke. So try to keep that in mind when you smoke again, that you are hurting the whole planet, when you think about it, from a POV that to manufacturer a cigarette, you have to run at least some vehicles to harvest the large fields, and that produces pollution that would otherwise not be there.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Aug 19 2007, 11:54 PM) [snapback]499012[/snapback]</div> While I generally agree with you here I would like to add that those who inflict themselves with disease or a condition in which they require medical service they cost our society in economic terms both for medical expenses incurred and a loss of productivity. This is especially true for smokers and obese people. These two conditions cost us over 190 billion dollars annually in medical costs. Could that money be better spent somewhere else? How much of that is coming out of taxer payer money? So this poses the question, is it really a personal problem or is it a society's problem? If we can deem it a social problem then I would agrue that everyone effected by the problem has some justification in their vocal concern no?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Aug 20 2007, 01:04 AM) [snapback]499013[/snapback]</div> It is a social problem and I say this because our government outlaws things like Mary jane but cigs and alcohol are ok, so people who get addicted to either and then have problems sure the government should pay by way of medicare /medicade etc... We all know about the warnings on smoking cigs but do we have the balls to to stop selling them, NO. I have seen many people still smoke while on oxygen and thought they should take their medicare away and have them pay out of pocket, but thought again and said until they outlaw smoking and make it illegal to sell cigs then then let the big dollar lobbyist pay the medical bills which goes down stream by why of government. so inorder to save tax dollar money OUTLAW the cigs the fast food the alcohol , microwaved ,fried foods, charcoal cooking(grilling) cancer causing products. then it's on the end user for using something illegal.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Aug 20 2007, 03:04 AM) [snapback]499013[/snapback]</div> Oh god give the guy a break he asked a simple question, my answer would be to try to only smoke when driving slower. I am sure you don't have any habits that annoy others.
Passing gas in elevators, does that count? Smoke away, that's fine. By the way, we were invited to take a shot ...