Hi: Coming home last night from a friend's house, I crossed through an uncrontrolled intersection and a car coming down the hill from my left banged into my rear bumber. Little damage, actually. The other driver was Chinese and didn't speak English very well, but immediately pulled out a cell phone and within minutes a woman drove up to translate, I suppose. We exchanged license numbers, etc. They insisted in calling the police, I think because they believed it was my fault. My partner told them that the police generally don't come to the scene unless there is substantial damage, the cars are immobolized or there are injuries. The police did come, however, and wrote up an accident report stating that I had the right of way and that the other driver was at fault. The policeman was very patient with the other driver and his lady translator, explaining that it is state law that the driver on the right has the right of way at uncrontrolled intersections. As an aside: I wonder how it was determined that the car on the right should have the right of way....I know in sailing, the vessel on the right has the right of way, all other things being equal. Same for airplanes. Perhaps because sailing was the first instance where this was decided (the Royal Yacht Club in England did this in the late 19th century when writing the yacht racing rules), the convention was simply transferred to automobiles and later, to airplanes. State Farm is a great insurance company. I called them this morning (sunday) and they authorized me to take my car to my Toyota dealer. Handily, HUMU is going in for an oil change tomorrow and State Farm told me it was fine for me to have the begin the process. Here's the rub, and a question to all of you. I will likely need a new rear bumber and nothing else, but I expect it will take about three weeks for the bumper to arrive. Have any of you had accidents and, if so, did you have excessively long waits for parts? My partner commented when we got home, that I seemed very calm throughout the whole thing. I was surprised myself, but when I monitored my own reactions, I wasn't angry or stressed. My only feeling is that I don't like having things "out of order" for weeks on end, which is probably how it will be. Drive carefully and look out at uncrontrolled intersections.
Ah, sorry to hear about your accident. Luckily nobody was harmed, and it's good to hear the Prius only had minor injuries. I have no experience with ordering parts for the Prius, but that is one of my great fears. Getting the car damaged is bad enough, but having to wait a long time for parts to arrive is perhaps just as bad if not worse. I hope your car recovers soon!
That really stinks, Bob. I feel really bad for you. Though it's really good that you and your Prius are relatively ok. As for the law that th car on the right has the right-of-way, I was only familiar with two cars arriving at the same time at a 4-way stop in which the car on the right has the right of way. If the cars oppose each other, by the way, straight trump left turns. And as for parts, I don't remember what color your Prius is, but all of you in Seattle might want to keep your cars in the garage until further notice.
the bumper cover is a stocking item and will probably be at the body shop within a day. Part number 52150-47010 Paint to match. Have them make sure the absorber underneath the cover wasn't compressed, it's just a piece of foam but it's important that it's not damaged to maintain proper protection for the bumper bar underneath.
That's true for 4-way stops. However, at uncontrolled intersections, if an accident occurs, the person on the right is in the right-of-way. It's kind of an annoying rule since we lost the case when a Civic t-boned (and totalled) our Corolla cause he didn't bother to slow down as you should when approaching uncontrolled intersections.
Okay, this thread has me curious (and feeling stupid)--how do you know when it is an uncontrolled intersection? In all my experience driving, I don't think I've ever encountered an intersection when at least one way doesn't have a stop sign. Is there some indication that it is an uncontrolled intersection? Otherwise, I can see someone not familar with the intersection assuming they had the right of way and the other side has a stop sign and not slowing down.
My rear bumper was damaged AT THE DEALERSHIP. They had a new one shipped from Oregon in two days. It went to a contract body shop to be painted and installed. It took about two hours for the actual installation.
bummer, Bob... at least you all are ok... can't say that I'd have stayed calm... does he own a restaurant? Bob Andersen
Re: first accident, thanks everyone! I felt really good reading your responses to my little accident. I think this is the first time I really felt like Prius owners are bonded in some sort of ethereal, environmental way, like a flock of birds. HUMU is getting checked out tomorrow. The post about the compression of the foam underneath was good; I'm sure the body shop will check that out. It looks pretty superficial, though, and not enough of an impact to have crushed anything. Thank God it wasn't my door panel or the rear wheel. Thank you all for responding. Hugs, B
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius\";p=\"49088)</div> How do you know the other directions don't have a stop sign then? Maybe the Chinese driver in this case assumed that the other side had a stop sign, so they had right of way. I'm continually baffled by US traffic regulations - it all looks so haphazard. I don't believe we have "uncontrolled intersections" in that sense, but our equivalent would be a "mini-roundabout". That is, a 3- or 4-way junction that is marked on the road with a circle and arrows indicating that traffic flow is as for a full-size roundabout. Ie give way to the right. Other normal junctions have a clear right of way - side roads clearly have white lines on the road across the intersection indicating where they have to give way. Signs too. So no lines or signs, you've got right of way. And as for Stop signs - can't remember the last time I saw one. We just don't seem to use them here. Now, for something truly special, check out Swindon's "magic roundabout". Five mini-roundabouts arranged in a circle to create a bi-directional roundabout. That rocks! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO\";p=\"49118)</div> In driving school they tell you to look not only at the controls directing your movements, but also those directing other drivers. In other words, you're supposed to look at the sides of all roads at the intersection to spot poles with signs on them. Uncontrolled intersections are disappearing, however, because they can be dangerous. As you pointed out, people do sometimes assume that they have the right of way if they see no lights or signs for themselves. As for roundabouts, we don't have many of them in my city. People on the other side of the ocean seem to think they're wonderful, but I find them terribly confusing. I guess it all depends on what you're used to. Have you used the Swindon roundabout? Does it really rock?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO\";p=\"49118)</div> OK, I suppose I'm just a stupid Yank, but think I need a slow motion, rush hour video! If a person only wants to go to the next road clockwise, do they hang a left by sticking to the outside? If someone at bottom left wanted to go to the big road at the top, how do they know if they are supposed to go clockwise or across to the anti-clockwise circle? And, just to be really confusing, isn't is likely to be more trouble to dodge across the clockwise traffic to merge into the anti-clockwise circle? It seems like once you got inside, you'ld never get out during rush hour. If I ever go to Swindon, remind me to hire a driver! Oh, and can you get your beautification people to put some flowers or something in the center, it is really begging for something!
Sorry to hear about your incident Bob. Hope it all goes well at the shop, and glad to hear it's been a relatively painless experience for you yet. I hope HUMU is back up and running before you expect! -m.
No, I've never experienced the magic roundabout personally. I only heard of it on the Internet this year. And to think I used to find double mini-roundabouts quite exotic! Bruce, each of the 5 subjunctions functions like a normal 3-way mini-roundabout. If you wanted the first left, you'd just stick to the outside. You have to give way (to the right) when you are about to cross a white line to enter a mini-roundabout. Coming from the top, you'd give way at the top mini-roundabout, then you'd give way at the top-right mini-roundabout, then you'd proceed out the top right. As to which way around the whole system you go, that's up to you! It shouldn't be too much of a problem "dodging across the clockwise traffic" to get to the anti-clockwise circle. Not all the traffic will be going past your exit - some will be turning off or being blocked by traffic exiting the anticlockwise circuit, so there should be gaps. Everyone's giving way to the right, so as you enter the system, you just need to wait until it's clear from the clockwise direction, and then traffic already on the anticlockwise circle will have to give way to you as you enter it. It would definitely be quicker to go anticlockwise to the exit on your right, as that mean traversing 2 roundabouts rather than 5. So I suppose bottom to top in that photo is best clockwise, as it's 3 roundabouts rather than 4.
The magic roundabout looks quite nervewracking, at least for those of us not used to driving roundabouts on a regular basis. Well, Bob, I'm glad you're okay and the damage doesn't sound too like it's too bad. Hopefully it won't take too long to fix and you'll have your baby back soon. Is the other driver's ins going to pay for the fix?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KMO\";p=\"49131)</div> Oh no, RULE CHANGE! The people in the outer and minis have right of way but the people in the inner roundabout have to give way? I realize it holds to the "person on the right has the "right" but still. "I before E except after C, and all the exceptions to this rule". I'm DEFINATELY getting a driver, or finding a different route. ;-)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(heliotropehead\";p=\"49146)</div> they remind me of a whirlpool..you get in and can't get out.. If you are old... you'll remember the Kingston Trio's song about the MTA.. I use the term 'OLD', but the Kingston Trio is doing a concert in Denver... aaaaahhh.... maybe it's just me.. Bob Andersen