How many others apart of me, possibly would not have bought a Prius if it weren't for the large Tax Credit? Did the Tax Credit influence you to make the decision and buy a Prius?
No, the tax credit did not influence my decision to purchase my Prius. The credit was a nice bonus. I had budgeted my spending to include high (over) priced Volvo - it turned out that the Prius was cheaper and nicer.
Hmmm. I wanted a BMW. My son (15 at the time) convinced me to test drive the Prius. He was motivated solely by "good for planet" issues. I was motivated by (in order of importance): 1) Savings at the pump. 2) Stickin' it to W, everything he represents, and his band of despictable greedy lying.... I would say the tax credit "sealed the deal." But it didn't bring me there in the first place. I still lust for a BMW. But I love my Pruis. It's just different. B)
The tax credit moved up the time table on when I was going to get a new car. I figured I could have gotten another couple of years out of my Honda Civic. I knew about the tax credits but it wasn't until I test drove a Prius that I decided, hmmm I just might have to get me one of these Ken
The tax credit will be nice, I suppose. The main factor for me getting the Prius now, rather than later, were the increasing problems with my old car. As far as getting a Prius vs. some other car... I've wanted a Prius ever since I learned about the technology. It's cool how they get an internal combustion engine to work without "gears" or one of those awful variable ratio pulleys. I suppose if I couldn't get a Prius for some reason, I'd get a Camry or Corolla.
It played no part in my decision. I wanted the car with the best MPG on the road. Besides, it is not like you get the money the minute you buy the car. It wouldn't have lowered my payment or anything like that. At best, it was a nice little bonus come tax time. If I wanted an instant rebate, I would have bought a huge SUV like an Excursion. They were offering close to $10K cash back on those for awhile.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusOwner004 @ Aug 16 2007, 03:26 PM) [snapback]497144[/snapback]</div> The "large" tax credit was not well understood and is by no means a certainty. For me it made paying MSRP acceptable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusOwner004 @ Aug 16 2007, 03:26 PM) [snapback]497144[/snapback]</div> Similar to JimN, the Tax Credit made my paying exactly MSRP for a Prius acceptable. Otherwise I probably would have gone with the much better handling Honda Fit --- which beat the Corvette and a lot of other sports cars and sedans in slolam tests.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(H2OSkier @ Aug 16 2007, 03:42 PM) [snapback]497161[/snapback]</div> Wow, Ken! We must be distant twins or something. What you described above was exactly my situation. Now, if your Civic was red and a 94 model, then I'm gonna have to look up your number!
When I bought mine the credit was down to $789 so it didnt really effect me. My situation was I wanted a hybrid and if it was the tax credit that Id wanted I would have bought the civic which was still around $2000
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SureValla @ Aug 16 2007, 08:46 PM) [snapback]497431[/snapback]</div> The tax credit did not cause me to buy a Prius...but did impact the timing of the purchase. The $3100 tax credit caused me to order and buy after Jan. 1 of the year the big credit became effective. The problem I have is that when it came to tax time I received 0 tax credit. Something like changing the rules after the big tax announcement. Once again ripped off by Uncle Sam. But still happy with the Prius. the Prius to the wife and considering an 08 Corvette. How about that for average gas milage? ; )
The tax credit played an important part, but after seeing the Prius at the Dayton Auto Show, I was sold on the technology. Gas prices near $2.00 was making me upset and my van was a 94, so I ordered the 06, before the credit ran out. I will say I've had the most fun with the Prius, but I think it is mostly due to this web site allowing me to understand the vehicle allowing me to make modifications that I would have never attempted with the excellent guides of PriusChat.
No , the tax credit was not the deciding factor . It did make our minds up sooner as to when we purchased the prius. Now a True instant rebate or even a tax rebate and not credit would have been more prius sold and much better for our oil consumption, even the guys I know with big trucks at one point said if the tax credit was a rebate or all deductable they too would buy a prius.. Funny how money works on people.
An instant rebate would have been nicer, than the tax credit. Since I don't pay taxes (expenses greater than income situation, being self-employed), I don't think I will be able to even take advantage of the credit I was really set on buying a Corolla....fully loaded with sunroof...but...there was something unique about a Prius that sold me, and the challenge of it all.