Just when you think the Prius had one of the most state of the art NAV systems out there, along comes this and blows us out of the water. I sure hope Toyota strikes a deal to include this in their future models. It would be fantastic... Links below to two amazing stories with lotsa details. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/041102/dctu016_1.html http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/041102/25479_1.html
No one has yet to install an AVIC-N1 in their Prius. Although I think the N2 with XM NavTraffic would definitely be a useful feature. So much for the RL with the first factory SatNav with Traffic Alerts
I did a MORPACE auto reasearch study... although my Prius was out numbered by the Lexus' in the parking lot... there were a lot of: Would you like to have questions that my BC didn't... like the XM.. On Star.. the MFD with rerouting due to traffic problems on the route..as well ad the iPod... I assume that Toyota is looking and asking... it was funny, one question let me build a car... an mine came out looking like my BC Prius..SHOCK Bob Andersen
traffic info is definitely the 'missing piece' in the nav system. especially around NYC, that could help immensely. it seems there's ALWAYS something going on trying to get off long island.
Yup, that's one of the reasons I moved down here. That, and potholes, and taxes. Though the traffic is starting to build up on US19 and the Veterans.
It's pretty useless though to somebody who doesn't live and drive in one of the 20 designated metropolitan areas that it covers.
Hmmm.... this gives me an idea. Step 1: 1. Everybody buy the NavTraffic system for all makes and models. 2. Establish and 800 number or website so folks can pinpoint traffic problems and reroute. 3. Nate decides he's late for the Broncos game, and calls the 800 number multiple times to record accidents that aren't there and everyone clears the road in front of me. 8) Evil, I know, but how is it possible to "authenticate" an accident report? What about rubbernecking? Gridlock? I'll wait to see how useful it is. This also assumes there are better routes that are available. If there were better routes, wouldn't I be on them? Nate
Nate, in LA they call this SIGALERT (sp)... I thought that it was a feature of XM or OnStar that is already in use.... as far behind in road and traffic managment as the Denver area is... you probably will always be late to the Bronco game... Bob Andersen
Dan... Fla is the ONLY state that I flunked the drivers written test in... about 1970 Denny's sent me to open a restaurant in Daytona Beach.. I got caught speeding with CA tags on my car... told the cop I was just passing thru.. he hauled me to the jail, run by Sheriffs, who all said: Hi Denny.. oops busted twice... I took the written test without reading the book... we didn't have lost POINTS for bad driving in CA at the time.. missed those questions... and the ONE that did me in was " at 60 miles per hour how far will your car skid on ice"... give me a break.. this was Florida... shortly after I was sent to Atlanta... man there test was much easier... at one time I had four active licenses.. a CA, GA, MI and an Ohio.. easier to get than give back.... :lol: Bob Andersen
So this thing is going to have maps for the driver and DVD playback for the rear-seat passengers all in a single unit??? Sounds to me like they're pandering to the a-holes who want to watch movies while driving. Saying that the DVD playback is intended for the rear-seat passengers is pretty thin considering that the primary function of the device is navigation for the driver. One more reason to stay off the road in cities big enough to have XM traffic information. Fortunately there won't be much of a market for it here in Fargo.
In Japan, similar system is already available it call V.I.C.S (Vehicle Information and Communication System). Like Prius with Navi package is already equipped with V.I.C.S system. Its really handy specially want avoid traffic jam or related to road problems. But not like after market Navi, OEM toyota Navi did not equipped with detour program when ever traffic congestion is popping up.