we are a modding company in the uk with a 2007 prius which we are trying to modify by adding extra electrical gadgets like heated electric seats , fold away mirrors parking sensors, dvd player new head unit ,amps and speakers and so on but we have been told by our local dealer that this isnt possible. is this true . can anyone help us please
I would think if you say you are a " Modding Company" you would know what is avail. and what can or can't be done. Anything can be done with enough money and time. good luck in your new career move
here is a pm I got from this A$$ now everyone can see how you are.: "carisma thanks, Today, 06:44 AM Rookie Prius Poster Group: Members Posts: 1 Member No.: 29,000 Joined: Yesterday, 06:31 AM well many thanks for your "help" but as the prius has brand new technology in it and we have never worked on one before then obviously we are going to have to do research on the vehicle. most of the time there are helpful people out there willing to help but also come across a complete CUNT as well who has no clue about his own car so can only be very rude to some one asking a question in order to hide his own stupidness. hope you have an utterly s**t day and try not to crash your shitty hybrid car you aint doing s**t for the enviroment you complete cunt. "
hello all your prius owners this pm that i have sent to priussoris it is what i sent to him as i was just coming on here to ask for help from some people that know what they are talking about. please dont hesitate to message me you will not get a reply like this unless you are being very rude to us in the first place. i have a pm from priussoris that i wont be so imature to put up for you all to see it isnt pretty though. i appologise for my outbreak and hope to not have not offended you this post should be parental advised chances are we will not get any replys thanks to stegasaurous but all we was asking for was help but all we got was a person that has a fetish about trolls thanks again
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(carisma @ Aug 15 2007, 07:39 AM) [snapback]496062[/snapback]</div> please post the reply, as you may know or not know the moderators can see what I sent you. so bad mouth away I blocked you and now you still want to troll here hahahah I first comment that was posted was not rude so grow some thick skin you snake now how's that is that what you want. you got it CRAIG
Anyone who intends to open a business and deal with the public and responds with the language, tone and short sightedness this company has displayed will NEVER get my business-note: I have alot of the mods he is talking about trying to create. Actually I really doubt this is an adult-probably a young child just trying to engage us for their entertainment.
Punctuation is your friend, too. . But for the purposes of this thread, yes, Toyota is right. It is completely impossible to add accessories. Don't even think about it. . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cairo94507 @ Aug 15 2007, 09:05 AM) [snapback]496072[/snapback]</div> well for your info we have not just started up at all we have been running for 13 years in the car industry so...............................................
Let's see if there's any chance of salvaging this thread. 1)While Priussoris's comment might have been a tad harsh it's not terrible and certainly doesn't deserve the type of PM you sent. 2)Priussoris should not post PMs on the open forum...the purpose of PMs is that they are "Private", by definition and it's bad etiquite to post on the open forums. If it's something particularly bad forward it to the moderators to address. 3)Prissoris's skepticism, and Hobbit's snarky reply seem, to me, pretty well deserved. Any legitmate company in the business of electronic vehicle mods for 13 years wouldn't need to consult with Toyota to see if it's OK...even the little shop down the street in my podunk little town can read a wiring diagram, tap into a 12v power line and do simple mods like you're talking about. In most ways the Prius is a car like any other (and it's not a piece of sh*t). Your company should have easy access to all the wiring diagrams it needs to make any mods necessary. Just don't cut or tap anything in a bright orange wrap and don't touch the HV battery and you'll be fine.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Aug 15 2007, 08:28 AM) [snapback]496091[/snapback]</div> I posted the PM because I think everyone should know what gets sent and the character of that person who sends it . as you stated if they have been doing this why ask Toyota, and in fact a true statement I made is " with enough money and time you can do any mod you want" TRUE
thanks very much EFUSCO for the information. even though we have been in business 13 years this isour first electric car so its all new to us. our local dealer told us that adding any extra components to the aux battery would cause problems this is the reason why we were checking with u guys.so allwe were doing was asking for help and after PRIUSSORIS with his sarcastic comments got our back up we posted a reply to him and him alone. it wasnt our intension to offend anyone else if we did we are sorry. many thanks for helpingand please if you can help please reply. but be aware if u dish it out, be prepared to take it. thaks again <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Aug 15 2007, 09:37 AM) [snapback]496097[/snapback]</div> TRUE "with enough time and money you can do any mod you want" but without help and advice from people who may have experinced the same problems time and money aint worth s**t
1) It's not an electric car. It's a gas car that has electonic components. Those are isolated from the 12v system you'll be working with. 2) The OEM 12v battery is tiny and there isn't a whole lot you can do to increase the capacity, so some of the mods you want to do may be limited by that. 3)You should already know how to determine voltage and amperage limitations and that information is available from the Toyota tech site in the UK. 4)Many of us have done various mods to our Prii without adverse consequences. Just don't do anything stupid. But running wires from the 12v system is no really any different than with any other car. You just want to be aware that anything that causes a continuous drain (while the car is turned off) on the 12v may kill it pretty quickly due to it's limited capacity.
It seems to me that the OP hasn't even looked in a Prius before. He just comes here asking for the compendium of mods. If he has such "experience" in modding vehicles, a quick rudimentary look around the inside should reveal quite a lot. It doesn't take me long to advise people on upgrades just by crawling through their car for a minute. As a store with so much experience, why care about what the dealer says?
carisma, Some advice. Learn how to use punctuation, people will be more likely to take you seriously. Learn how to use capitalization, people will be more likely to take you seriously. Learn how to spell, people will be more likely to take you seriously. With this advice, you might even find that your business will improve since more customers are likely to take you seriously. I'm curious, have you ever contacted any other dealer to ask how to modify a car? Have they been helpful? As Efusco mentions, this is not an electric car. It has a gasoline powered engine, and all power for the car comes from the use of this engine. If you have possession of one you probably know by now that there isn't anywhere to plug it in. If you know what you are doing when messing around with electricity, there is over 200 volts DC available to draw from the High Voltage battery. Don't mess with this if you don't know exactly what you are doing, it has the ability do do some pretty serious damage. The 12 volt electrical system can be handled they way you would in any other car. Note that, as Efusco mentions, the 12 volt battery in the Prius is pretty small, it doesn't need to crank a starter motor, so it doesn't supply many amp-hours. You really don't want to draw much power off this when the car is turned off, or you won't be able to start the car. While the car is in "ready" mode, the 12 volt battery and the 12 volt accessories are charged/powered from the High Voltage battery through a DC to DC power switcher that steps the 200+ volts down to somewhere around 13 volts (I don't remember the exact amount but a volt meter will tell you). Be aware that there is a fuse in this power source, and if you draw to much power you can blow this fuse. I don't remember what the rating for this fuse is but you can probably find it searching at google. If you are going to be messing around with the electrical system you might want to spend some time checking out all the information at the following website: www.priups.com There is quite a bit of interesting information about the available power, fuses, and batteries there.
Why can't the English teach their children how to speak? (And write and use proper punctuation.) Norwiegans learn Norwiegan and Greeks are taught their Greek. Starting a successful business in the U.K. should start with a command of the language. And familiarity with the shift key. And elimination of run on sentences. There are plenty of posts on this forum dealing with every question and mod in the OPs original post. A search would have found them. And I find the insulting tone of the e-mail insulting, rending the OPs original request for help unworthy of consideration. OH...and billy goat's gruff alert.
SPELLING. CAPATALIZATION. PUNCTUATION THEY ARE NOT THE ISSUE. To those of you who have helped (without critisism) thanks billy goats gruff ??????? whats all that about
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(carisma @ Aug 15 2007, 10:46 AM) [snapback]496143[/snapback]</div> As for the lack of using basic grammar rules, yes they certainly do decrease the likelihood that people will take you seriously. As for the help, you are welcome. As for the billy goats, it's a Norweigian fairy tale with a lesson about the danger of greed, and the wisdom of using someone's weakness against them. Oh yeah, and there is a troll in the story