These are my two choices with Cingular pre-paid phone service in my area. Has anyone had any problems with either working with their Prius, or do you especially like one of them? Thank you. :roll:
My vote is for the V600 - I have used the Sony T616 and it worked very poorly, I now have the V600 and it's ab fab. -Rob
You're right rob. the 616 sucked. I actually had the 610 through AT&T but yeah... same phone. I now have the 637 and it works wonderfully. The way I expect the 610/616 SHOULD have worked. And I've heard few to no complaints regarding the V600 so I'd say just look over the features and pick the one you like. Both seem to be great!
Go with the V600. It is well integrated with the Bluetooth capabilities of the Prius. Now if only T-Mobile had better service.....
I picked up my Silver BC yesterday. Not enough time to play with all the gadgets last night. Today, I "connected" my V600 and even set up the one-touch buttons. No problem at all when following John's instructions. Everything works great. Phone rings over the car audio, voice quality is very good. So far, I am very happy with this combination.