Karl Rove is resigning. "Voluntarily." Karl Rove to resign on Monday. You know Karl wouldn't voluntarily resign. There is something very bad very close. If any rat would leave a sinking ship it's Karl. And he doesn't scare easy. If he's leaving it's to save his own skin in some way. Why now? If he leaves he has no more "executive privilege" (like he had any to begin with.) "Karl Rove, President Bush's close friend and chief political strategist, plans to leave the White House at the end of August, joining a lengthening line of senior officials heading for the exits in the final 1 1/2 years of the administration. On board with Bush since the beginning of his political career in Texas, Rove was nicknamed "the architect" and "boy genius" by the president for designing the strategy that twice won him the White House. Critics call Rove "Bush's brain."" With the Tinman gone we've only got Dorothy (Rice), Scarecrow(Bush) and the Wizard(Cheney) left now.
"Up to the end of the 2006 midterm elections, the political guru predicted a Republican win. " "In the interview, Rove predicted Bush will regain his popularity, which has sunk to record lows because of the war in Iraq." "Rove also predicted conditions in Iraq would improve and that the Democrats would nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, calling her "a tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate."" Karl Rove to resign at end of August.
We know 2 things intuitively. 1) By resigning Rove hopes to avoid an ugly legal battle. 2) People near power don't give up their seat willingly, In this case it only means Rove will be telecommuting, unofficially retaining his post, thereby being out of congressional reach he can lead the neocons further down the road of deprivation. Isn't it time we banned the neocons from using their 3 favorite lies..."To spend time with my family" and "I can't recall" and "I will seek immediate medical treatment (for my antisocial behavior)"
<div align="center">[attachmentid=10582]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Aug 13 2007, 09:27 AM) [snapback]494731[/snapback]</div> Several things we know and are established facts. . . 3) ASDS (ARKANSAS SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME) seems to be another common syndrome surrounding the Clinton political machine . . . ARKANSAS SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME - Number of persons in the Clinton machine orbit who are alleged to have committed suicide: 9 - Number known to have been murdered: 12 - Number who died in plane crashes: 6 - Number who died in single car automobile accidents: 3 - Number of one-person sking fatalities: 1 - Number of key witnesses who have died of heart attacks while in federal custody under questionable circumstances: 1 - Number of unexplained deaths: 4 - Total suspicious deaths: 46 - Number of northern Mafia killings during peak years of 1968-78: 30 - Number of Dixie Mafia killings during same period: 156 It is important in considering these fatal incidents to bear in mind the following: The fact that anomalies need to be investigated further carries no presumption of how a death actually occurred, only that there remain serious questions that require answers. The possibility of foul play must be taken seriously in a major criminal conspiracy in which over two score individuals and firms have been convicted and over 100 witnesses have pled the Fifth Amendment or fled the country. If foul play did occur in any of these cases, that fact by itself does not carry the presumption that the the Clinton machine was involved. Given the footprints of organized crime, drug trade, foreign espionage, and intelligence agencies on the trail of the Clinton story, such a assumption would not be warranted. It is also well to keep in mind the classic prohibition era movie in which the corrupt poitician's job was not to engage in illegal acts but to avoid noticing them. [/i] Have a nice day ya'll. . . [attachmentid=10583] Wildkow
You can always tell when Republicans are doing something very, very evil: They always bring up Clinton doing something sort of kind of unethical. ("Dick Cheney just burnt down the orphanage!" "Yeah? Well, what about that time Bill Clinton tore the tag off his pillow that said 'Do Not Remove!")
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Aug 13 2007, 10:16 AM) [snapback]494767[/snapback]</div> Hmmmm 14 other people were mentioned in the Altzheimer's section. Oh Look here's more. . . - An independent counsel who investigated possible tax violations by former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros charged that the Clinton administration thwarted his efforts to get to the truth. - U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) is under criminal investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for possible bribery in exchange for promoting business deals in Africa - Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents that Ernest Newton, a former state Democrat Connecticut senator worked with a reputed mobster and his associate to try to stop police raids on businesses and advance their business interests - Clarence Norman Jr., the longtime powerbroker of Brooklyn NY Democrats was found guilty of intentionally soliciting illegal campaign contributions. - A top aide to Jim Black, the Democratic speaker of the state Legislature of North Carolina, resigned amid reports he had received payments from a company hoping for the lottery contract. The .State Board of Elections is investigating Black's campaign finances. The investigation comes after the group Democracy North Carolina said it found evidence that video-poker operators were funneling money through unsuspecting donors to Black's campaign. - West Virginia.Logan County Clerk Glen Dale "Hound Dog" Adkins admitted to selling his vote for $500 in the 1996 Democratic Party primary, while Perry French Harvey Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe voters in last year's Democratic contest - Former Democat Gov. Donald Siegelman of Alabama was charged in a "widespread racketeering conspiracy" that includes accusations he took a bribe from former hospital executive Richard Scrushy for a key state appointment. - Frank Ballance - a former Democrat Rep. from North Carolina was sentenced to four years in federal prison for conspiring to divert taxpayer money to his law firm and family through a charitable organization he helped start. Ballance, was a state senator before being elected to Congress in 2002, also agreed to repay $61,917 and to forfeit $203,000 in a bank escrow account in the name of the John A. Hyman Memorial Foundation. - Five Democratic activists in Wisconsin accused of slashing the tires of vans rented by Republicans on Election Day 2004 are currently on trial - Chuck Chvala, a Former Democrat Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader was sentenced to nine months in jail for felony misconduct in office and illegally funneling campaign contributions. Chvala had reached a plea deal with prosecutors earlier this year, admitting to charges that he directed a state employee to run a political campaign and used an independent expenditure group to funnel campaign contributions to a fellow Democrat. - Brett Pfeffer, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and conspiracy. - Raymond Reggie, a New Orleans political Democratic consultant and fund-raiser who is Senator Kennedy's brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charges. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FBear @ Aug 13 2007, 10:16 AM) [snapback]494766[/snapback]</div> Oh yeah! I thought I was dying and going to heaven once. . . :lol: 1) Throat Cancer 2) HIV/Aids 3) Distraction while driving/flying/boating/operating machinery. Do your research! Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Aug 13 2007, 11:16 AM) [snapback]494767[/snapback]</div> I don't think it was unethical, I just think Hillary was tired he was training the young intern :lol: GO BILL
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 13 2007, 12:40 PM) [snapback]494782[/snapback]</div> It's thought, but not proven, that it's the disruption of one's bodily humors during the administration of a blowjob that causes throat cancer... THROAT CANCER?!? You're joking; funny! [laughing] I can only hope that the rest of the "information" you're providing is a bit more grounded in reality.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 13 2007, 10:40 AM) [snapback]494782[/snapback]</div> Hmm, "once"? Think we may have found your problem, then. Once in awhile, I'll encounter someone that the only effective prescription for, is frequent mind-blowing sex. Taken at least once a day, it could possibly pull that head out of that nice person.
Gawd, how pathetic. NeoCons are really reaching now. "Karl Rove is resigning and it's all Bill Clinton's fault." To quote a repub: "Get over it."
Perhaps everyone needs to get over everything related to this...both the "pro-Bush" people and the "anti-Bush" people. Conservatives don't like Clinton because he beat them in every election and for alleged criminal activity. Liberals don't like Bush because he beat them in every election and for alleged criminal activity. But don't let me stop anyone from arguing over who is a bad man and who is a worst man...people who feel strongly on each side are likely not to be convinced.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Washington1788 @ Aug 13 2007, 02:35 PM) [snapback]494870[/snapback]</div> Oh come on... your'e interupting the tin foil hat orgasm here. Don't you know that Karl Rove is the evil genius behind Bush, pulling his strings and talking in his earphone while talking in public. This is thier time to celebrate. After all, the "really evil" scandal must be right around the corner if Karl is bailing now.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Aug 13 2007, 11:41 AM) [snapback]494837[/snapback]</div> Well I guess that explains why liberals don't get cancer from the numerous BJ's they administer they don't have a sense of humor. . . :blink: Sorry Pinto Girl you may find that hard to swallow but here's the evidence. . . http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...x+throat+cancer <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Aug 13 2007, 11:42 AM) [snapback]494838[/snapback]</div> LOLOLOLOL!!! I appreciate the offer but it won't be necessary and by the way mine doesn't fit but your mileage may vary. Wildkow <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 13 2007, 12:08 PM) [snapback]494854[/snapback]</div> I know it's always Clinton, Clinton Clinton, but seriously I can't hardly remember when another democrat was President. LOLOLOLOL!!! :lol: Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 13 2007, 04:33 PM) [snapback]494960[/snapback]</div> [gulp]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Aug 13 2007, 02:33 PM) [snapback]494960[/snapback]</div> No offers have been made :blink: and I think what you said here is that your head is so seriously stuck that there's no way it's ever coming back out of your nice person. :huh: You might consider getting a plexiglass window installed in your belly button so you can see where you are going.
He wants to spend time with his family. How many times do we get that excuse. His kid is in college. Where was he for the growing up years ? Sounds like the rats are leaving the sinking ship.
Did Bush have to undergo anesthesia to have a Rovectomy? Just wondering, seemed relatively painless from this end.
Well, while we are strolling down made-up history lane, let's also imagine that the race margins were about the same, and poll rigging didn't happen.