More than Economics / Touring Pkg 6 in NJ

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by moshe_levy, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. moshe_levy

    moshe_levy Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    2008 Prius
    Hello All-

    I'm a former BMW driver who has caught "Prius fever." Out of curiousity, I went down to the local dealer and drove one, and fell in love with the futuristic design and what the car represents. When I explained my new love for the Prius to friends and coworkers, they immediately replied with what I think are well meaning but shortsighted economic arguments against the hybrid. The arguments usually go something like "You will have to drive that car 100,000 miles before the fuel savings offset the additional cost of buying the hybrid vs. conventional car."

    To that economic argument, I reply with a political one: Let's say I do drive my car 100,000 miles. The X number of dollars additional I spent were sent to a company as a reward for creating a new type of fuel efficient technology. In a conventional car's case, that X number of dollars additional spent were sent to our "friends" in the middle east. You vote with your wallet where you'd rather see the money go! Usually shuts those guys up quick.

    Anyway, I'm having an impossible time finding a dealer who will even order a Touring with package 6 for me here in NJ. Best I could do was a dealer in PA who offered me to take a deposit and "see" if Toyota would respond to the order. Apparently, all the Touring 6 models go to California. Can anyone near NJ confirm that it is impossible to get a Touring package 6 locally? Thanks...

  2. lmalchiodi

    lmalchiodi New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
    I tried to get a 2007 Touring Pkg #5 or #6, and was told by 5 different dealers in southeastern PA that none were available. Apparently the dealers in the central atlantic/northeastern regions got very few of them to begin with, and now there are none left. The factory is no longer producing 07 Touring Editions, so they can't be ordered.

    The nearest one I could find was at Central Florida Toyota in Orlando. A couple of the dealers were willing to try to get it for me, but it would have been driven to PA, not put on a truck, and I don't want a thousand miles on the car before I even see it.

    At this point, I'm waiting to see what happens with the 08's. None of the dealers I spoke with had any idea if the distribution of Tourings would change at all with the 08's. If I can't get one, I'll probably just get a Base #6.
  3. PriusTouring07

    PriusTouring07 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Yeah, I'd say "Good luck with that!" I've been through all this, trying to find a Touring #6 locally. Dealer wanted a non-refundable deposit and a minimum of 3 month wait to get it.
    If you really want it, I suggest, look for one in Cali. San Fran is your best bet. Then have it shipped to NJ. It'll probably cost you about $800 extra, but you'll probably get it within a week. But then again, if you buy it from Cali, you can get it for below MSRP, so that'll offset the extra transportation cost.
    Before you do all that, search Ebay and Craig's List. I found mine through Craig's List. And if you do decide to go the Cali way, PM me, I'll give you the info of my dealer, who sold it to me below MSRP.